Kingdom of Gilaes

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You can't really "enter" into the Kingdom of Gilaes. You can look at its nice big gate, but you won't ever cross it, even if you have finished all the Gilaes quests.
I entered edit mode though and there was a proper city. I don't get why they would spend time creating the city which you can't enter
I repeat, as far as I know, there is no legitimate way to actually "enter" the place. Perhaps they had created the inner city as a placeholder while they flesh it out for the next release. I notice that there are "Zendar" scenes in the scenes folder as well, but there's no such location in the game, is there?
Aetheus said:
I repeat, as far as I know, there is no legitimate way to actually "enter" the place. Perhaps they had created the inner city as a placeholder while they flesh it out for the next release. I notice that there are "Zendar" scenes in the scenes folder as well, but there's no such location in the game, is there?

i say we blow up the walls to gilaes and take there BEER!
I second the notion!!!  I bet they got lots of things in there besides the beer that they're withholding from us (though the beer is still the most important!).
Tintin said:
I'm gonna delete one of the walls so i can look around

I believe that someboday said that there is nothing special in there..but go ahead and give it a try  :wink:

PS: Back from holidays...but tomorrow I fly to Loret del Mar, graduation trip yay
Tintin said:
rkid3 said:
I love that huge sword you get when you finish the gilaes quests
Did you take the sword. I took the King

Oh, was that the option where the reply began with with, "you don't need to retire"? does that make him join you?
Tintin said:
Yeah. He's mint. He has a really fast horse, a mint sword and cool armour

i kinda have a problem finding that lord of the gilaes, i walked all the map and i havent found him. can u hint me where can he be or something!
Well I cheated my way into the Gilaes city.  I made a video of what it looks like in there for anyone who wants to see it:
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