Kingdom management..erm..

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Sorry for asking this question. How do you recruit lords in kingdom management for PoP 2? I have set up my own kingdom under the kingdom of pendor (sovereign, not bandit king)... but can't for the life of me find how to recruit those lords. I tried the traditional ways which you recruit lords in other kingdom management games, yet failed. Any help?
Wait until you they are ... I think... loyal to you (relationship around 80+).  Not just friends.  It is intended to be very difficult to carve out your own kingdom.
IanLast said:
Sorry for asking this question. How do you recruit lords in kingdom management for PoP 2? I have set up my own kingdom under the kingdom of pendor (sovereign, not bandit king)... but can't for the life of me find how to recruit those lords. I tried the traditional ways which you recruit lords in other kingdom management games, yet failed. Any help?
Getting Vassals in PoP is a lot harder then other mods.
You need to do their quests, work hard for them, and once you have their reputation up, you have access to recruiting them. There are two ways to do this:
If you destroy the faction they are part of, there is a chance they will join yours.
If you defeat them in battle, you can offer them their life if they serve you.
I dont think 80 relations is needed. I managed to recruit 2 lords recently, both around 15 relations. ( but maybe I was just very lucky)
Best way I found so far is to defeat them 2-3 times in battle and releasing them, this will give enough relation that next time you capture them you can get them.

unperson said:
I dont think 80 relations is needed. I managed to recruit 2 lords recently, both around 15 relations. ( but maybe I was just very lucky)
Best way I found so far is to defeat them 2-3 times in battle and releasing them, this will give enough relation that next time you capture them you can get them.

Interesting, i have fought and released same lords many times, yet never had any option for getting them. I have high honor too. The conquest of another nation though did give me one lord however...bloody hard work that was :razz:
Note:  In order to get them you have to get them to like you, then TAKE THEM PRISONER.  You don't get the option to take them on as vassals until they are your prisoner.  Talk to them from the party screen.  You'll get your option.

-Misguided this quest running for 5 ravenstern lords was a waste of time? What a shame,we had a relations of 50+ :/
also, i've won with salreon lord, Monterwal (or sumthin, that one with native name-i think he was a rhodok) and every time after the battle when i was realising him, i didn't have any option to recruit...
It's a pity, because this is one of the few things I dislike in the game - in order to recruit a friend, I have to lose honor and relationship with him first?  Seems an unrealistic expectation.  I'd prefer the claimant text be used, but altered, and then have it be very difficult to convince them.  That way, no honor lose, and the possibility that you take take towns and castles peacefully by recruiting the commanding lord while he's at home.
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