SP Fantasy Kingdom & Knights

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Kingdom & Knights

Discord: https://discord.gg/YY9CWhF
Moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/kingdom-knights

This is a world with two lands, one land in the north named "Bataria",
another land in the south named "Skware". The two lands are divided by the sea
which is named "Lydols Sea"

The crusaders in the city of Lenamolem in the Laralzder Empire from the outer world has been exterminated in most part by the Horde of Zatuk during the last siege. The Knights who survived and their Leader manage to escape with the last codex of veritas by boats and tried to get to the nearest land but lost their way on the sea. This was due to an unknown type of storm and they were separated in two groups who went in different ways. A little group of the Crusaders arrived in Skware Land and the other one crash on the beach of the Bataria Land.

The name of the leader of the crusaders is Meson, so people call them the "Meson's Order". When they arrived, there was no threats from the rulers of Bataria Land. They took advantaged of the situation by recruiting troops to take the power in the land and they reigned for many years. Someday, a letter from one of the crusaders in the Skware Land reach Meson. The letter said that the codex was not lost in the storm but in fact, when they arrived it was taken by The Kingdom of Verania. Meson didn't know what to do because he had no ships build strong enough to go across the Lydols sea and to get there so he abandoned the idea.

After many years, the people in Skware Land create a united Empire called "The Skware Empire".

The Meson's Order in Bataria Land was weak and eventually the north was divided into many small kingdoms. Throughout the years, the biggest one destroyed all the other kingdoms in the north of Bataria Land.

The name of this kingdom is "The Kingdom of Bataria".

The Meson's Order was not reconciled to their failure against this new kingdom in the north of Bataria Land so they began to attack the new kingdom and in course of the conflict, some farmers and citizens founded the "Baskenor's Order" to fight the Menson's Order.

The old people called it "The Big War".

Meson's Order was defeated and escaped to the south area of Bataria Land.

The situation in The Skware Empire has changed and after so many years of war, there are now many kingdoms in Skware Land. The empire is worsening with all the conflicts in the land, the economy is not good either and the people are losing faith. The Emperor and his Empire with the recent events are in grave danger of collapsing. The Meson's Order think that it's a great opportunity to invade the Land and maybe a chance to take power in the Skware Land.

Now, as a tourist who came here recently, you can see what's happening.

Will you protect The Skware Empire or help The Meson's Order?


North Land (Bataria)

Kingdom of Moldavian Forest -- Cursed Forest by magic, there are many unknown creatures lives here
Kingdom of Bataria -- A new kingdom which has good hunters
Baskenor's Order -- between Meson's Order and Kingdom of Bataria
Meson's Order -- Brave and fierce, well-equipped Crusaders, especially the cavalry
Lydols Pirates Alliance —— Good at firearm manufacturing and has the best and powerful ships

South Land (Skware)

Kingdom of Franres -- Northern country which has good soliders
Skware Empire -- Well-trained infantries formed by farmers and citizens
Portia Territory —— Southeastern magic country which ruled by a powerful Magician
Kingdom of Verania —— Southwestern mountain country


Velonisen Empire -- A powerful country in the west which has the very good technology , it invaded the Skware Land after Skware Republic founded
The Shadow Legion -- Warriors of the lords who have the poweful magic

11 New Factions and their troopers, items
Storyline Mode
3 Acts Campaign Mode
Sea Battle

Special Thanks
IV3RSMEN - Some new idea about the stories and music for this mod

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Interesting concept. I hope the firearms will be early handgonnes as opposed to later weapons.

Skware Musketeer (Tunic can be blue)

Skware Archer
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