Kingdom Issues

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OK, so, in the first 2.0 when i created my own kingdom, my relationship with kingdom of pendor went to 70, in 2.02 that didn't happen, do not know if this was intended or not, but it happened.

What I need help with though is fiefs, you said to work-around the fiefs not belonging to you by gifting them to yourself through your stewards.  so..... my steward doesn't have that line of conversation to gift a fief, i saw that you said it was fixed so that  you didn't need a lord in 2.02.

Anyways, great mod (im a long time lurker.... forgot my password and was to lazy to recover) and thanks for all the hard work saxon.

I'm a little unclear - which version are you using?

My understanding of the fix was that the villages didn't remain neutral anymore.  The Steward may still wait for you to have vassals to give you the conversation about gifting them, but now it shouldn't be necessary to have that conversation until you have a Lord.
i am using version 2.02 and the problem is that there are 3 villages from a town that i just took over, but they do not belong to me personally, just my kingdom, so i cannot access them/manage them/collect money and all that jazz
Xeoneatus said:
i am using version 2.02 and the problem is that there are 3 villages from a town that i just took over, but they do not belong to me personally, just my kingdom, so i cannot access them/manage them/collect money and all that jazz

There is a routine that will eventually kick off and turn those villages over to you.  It is based upon one of the trigger routines that fires after "X" amount of days.


Xeoneatus said:
ok, awesome, thank you for the help and peace of mind

You are welcome,

If that does not work then I have missed something somewhere.. I tested using one of the players saved games, waited a few days and it worked as expected.  That means that it at least works roughly as intended.. but still I may have missed something unexpected.


I'm playing a fresh game on 2.02 upgraded from 2.0 and I held a town for something like 30 days and its attached villages remained unclaimed for that entire time, until I finally got a Lord on my side and was able to gift them to myself.  (Actually I just gave them to that Lord by that point)

As a side note there's this really frustrating issue playing as a kingdom with the Pendor culture where villages seem to give me Pendor recruits...... sometimes.  Most of the time they provide the previous owning faction's troops.  It kind of makes it feel like my kingdom is kind of irrelevant or weak if I can't even drill and equip my own troops to my nation's standards.

Furthermore, its difficult to manage garrisoning my own castles and towns especially when considering the recruitment issue.  Would it be possible to add an option to the Steward of castles or towns that you own yourself to "Manage this location's defenses yourself" so that it can spawn troops on its own from that point on?  I know that its probably made this way so that the player doesn't have free troops raining from heaven, so maybe that same option once activated could prohibit you from taking any troops from the garrison of that location anymore.
Durf said:
I'm playing a fresh game on 2.02 upgraded from 2.0 and I held a town for something like 30 days and its attached villages remained unclaimed for that entire time, until I finally got a Lord on my side and was able to gift them to myself.  (Actually I just gave them to that Lord by that point)

As a side note there's this really frustrating issue playing as a kingdom with the Pendor culture where villages seem to give me Pendor recruits...... sometimes.  Most of the time they provide the previous owning faction's troops.  It kind of makes it feel like my kingdom is kind of irrelevant or weak if I can't even drill and equip my own troops to my nation's standards.

Furthermore, its difficult to manage garrisoning my own castles and towns especially when considering the recruitment issue.  Would it be possible to add an option to the Steward of castles or towns that you own yourself to "Manage this location's defenses yourself" so that it can spawn troops on its own from that point on?  I know that its probably made this way so that the player doesn't have free troops raining from heaven, so maybe that same option once activated could prohibit you from taking any troops from the garrison of that location anymore.

Ok.  I'll let SD handle the first part.

As to the second:  Thats the way they are supposed to work.  For example, if you decided to have a Ravenstern kingdom and took an Empire village, that village would produce 50 percent Ravenstern, and 50 percent Empire recruits.  It isn't any different with Pendor.  THey'll give you half  pendor troops, and half whatever they were originally.

As to the 3rd:  While it may sound easy, what you are suggesting is a coding nightmare. :smile:  It is a good idea for all that, and really, the towns already do what you want them to... once you give them to other lords.  Once the lord has it, it is autonomous and creates its own garrison.

Glad you're enjoying it!


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