Kingdom Banners

Houses should share their Kingdom colours, or have individual colours?

  • Individual colours, like they had in Warband.

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • The Lords should share the same colours as their Kingdoms. (Keep it the same)

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Abstain.

    Votes: 1 4.2%

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At the moment individual Lord banners in the game are forgettable, bland and seem to blend into one and the other because they are the same colour. I honestly couldn't put a Lords face to his banner. They all might as well have one generic banner for each Kingdom for all the Lords at the moment.


Warband on the other hand, each Lord had a coloured individual banner representing his house. They were more memorable and noteworthy when seen on the map. At a glance on the map I could put a face, a name and also knew whether the Lord was an asshat that would probably raid my village if given half the chance.

(Like this mod)


The current monotone across the board isn't working in my opinion. Adding the system that was in place from Warband would greatly help make the different Houses more memorable and noteworthy. Adding a small symbol to represent the Kingdom that the Lord belongs to next to his banner so the map doesn't become confusing. What Bannerlord does get right, is that the banners are visible on the map when zoomed out unlike Warband.

Do the developers plan on changing/refining this?
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i feel that even if they dont allow personal colours like warband it would be nice to be able to have more patterns and colours on the banner even if the main colour changes

like in the trailers and screenshots before bannerlords realease
i feel that even if they dont allow personal colours like warband it would be nice to be able to have more patterns and colours on the banner even if the main colour changes

like in the trailers and screenshots before bannerlords realease
I'm expecting that to change. There is a mod available in the meantime for custom banners and a website to create your own custom banner;
Custom Banner Mod
Custom Banner Creation

I have just noticed a mod, that removes the monotone banners and add colours to the Lord's banners:
Coloured Lord's Banners
yeah its annoying how in the freaking EA trailer they have cool banners and if you load up a cutsom game it has cool banners too making me belive something went wrong last minute so what we have is paceholder
yeah its annoying how in the freaking EA trailer they have cool banners and if you load up a cutsom game it has cool banners too making me belive something went wrong last minute so what we have is paceholder

Ahhh okay, have you got a link for one of the trailers. I hadn't noticed this before.
yeah here you go

If you look at any of teh shields (when they can be seen the ram ones are a good example and the castle defenders have Blue and black)

This makes me think maybe something broke or the menu wasnt ready
This makes me think maybe something broke or the menu wasnt ready

At some point Taleworlds changed their minds. They decided that the banner color shows the kingdom and the sigil shows the clan. I object more to the faction colored armor than the bland banners.
At some point Taleworlds changed their minds. They decided that the banner color shows the kingdom and the sigil shows the clan. I object more to the faction colored armor than the bland banners.

Do we know if the devs said anything about this or is it unknown as i think a dev said the troops carrying banners would return but it was causing perfomace issues and they are focused on other stuff currently
At the moment individual Lord banners in the game are forgettable, bland and seem to blend into one and the other because they are the same colour. I honestly couldn't put a Lords face to his banner. They all might as well have one generic banner for each Kingdom for all the Lords at the moment.

Warband on the other hand, each Lord had a coloured individual banner representing his house. They were more memorable and noteworthy when seen on the map. At a glance on the map I could put a face, a name and also knew whether the Lord was an asshat that would probably raid my village if given half the chance.

Do the developers plan on changing/refining this?

It is intentional, the final product:
Devblog about banners said:
Something that tied in closely with this design process was deciding the faction colours. We wanted each faction to have a distinctive colour which would make their troops recognisable in the thick of a battle, while also subtly representing the culture of that faction. In other words, we needed to select colours which are unique for gameplay reasons, but still say something about the faction. One issue we ran into while selecting the faction colours was with multiplayer. We use two different colours for each faction in multiplayer: dark as the primary (team 1) and light as the secondary (team 2). The team colours are displayed in various UI elements, items and clothing so we wanted to ensure that players could easily differentiate between the two teams at a glance and that everything is visually clear for colour blind players.

Also, I played a lot of Warband and more or less instantly forgot every single banner I saw other than my own, especially once lords began switching sides. The banners in that game didn't actually serve a purpose of making it clear who was on which side. Instead I had to rely on green/red circles to know who I should swing at and the information block being wholesale colored red to know which parties were enemy and which were safe to approach.
Fair enough, honestly in regards to the Lords switching factions, I used mods to prevent this so I completely forgot this was a thing.
My main point was that each House lacks any personality, perhaps this is a dialogue issue as the Lords don't have much character. Having distinct colours in their banners would help.
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