King Ulric the Misogynist (can't stop being a Merc Capt)

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I'm playing as a female character. Now my fame is over 1000 and my honor is around 90 or so. I signed up as a Mercenary Captain for the Kingdom of Sarleon. Now that I have enjoyed 3/4 weeks of greatly reduced troop upkeep (from the wage I get), I want to opt out and start my own kingdom.

The problem is, I can't.

The only way I know for now is to request for vassalage then renounce it. Whenever I approach King Ulric he blatantly refuses, saying something along the lines of "giving it to someone he trusts". My disposition with him happens to be 0. Nothing negative.

Help? How do I get out of it?
How long till your mercenary term is up?

Im not sure if it would work, but you could try attacking sarleon, that MAY remove your obligation, but i cant say that i know.
Just wait that week and sign off. Insult a caravan (it is not necessary to destroy it, just make it to the order-section and choose leave.) and attack some walled center.

There was a tweak that allowed you to quit mercenary contract when the faction is no longer at war, if you are interested. Check the Tweak-thread in this board.
Yeah, there is no way for you to end a mercenary contract early without other mods.  It makes sense somewhat though, if you are going to take that signing bonus, you should be required to ride out your contract.  Anything that allows you to break your contract and vow should penalize you with a huge loss of honor.
I forgot - in TweakMB is a possibility to change that day period to whatever value, although I don't know is that change will take place in current campaign...
Nevermind, the contract's over after another week.

But man, I miss being a merc. All my expenses are paid for. Being an Empress of Pendor I need to strive hard to maintain a surplus budget with my two towns.

Now garrisonning all my troops in a town whenever payday comes, so that my purse wouldn't take a lot of hits  :cry:
ZComet said:
Nevermind, the contract's over after another week.

But man, I miss being a merc. All my expenses are paid for. Being an Empress of Pendor I need to strive hard to maintain a surplus budget with my two towns.

Now garrisonning all my troops in a town whenever payday comes, so that my purse wouldn't take a lot of hits  :cry:

Get mills,dyeworks generally buy lands in all towns.
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