Killing the feet!

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So, after 2 years of playing it struck me a bit odd that game mechanics make it so that you can get killed by getting shot in the shin/foot.
Now, while getting shot in the foot greatly lowers performance and hence your chance of leaving the battlefield, it's nearly impossible for it to kill you, unless you are a total wuss and die of pain shock.

For nord huscarls and knights it's a bit of a bummer, because their feet are normally the only parts readily exposed for enemy missiles to plant into. It's hard for me to imagine an armored knight full of adrenaline falling off his horse in agony after an enemy bold has pierced his greave.

But then again.....i guess getting shot in the face and continuing chopping your enemies isn't too realistic either.
Achilles was shot with a poisoned arrow.

Yeah, it used to provide me endless enjoyment.  Nothing funnier than a guy chasing after you with arrows sticking out of all his limbs.  It does strike me as being a little unrealistic :grin:
Implement separation of body sections maybe, to allow limping or whatnot?

But a knight on horseback shouldn't care much, really.
Not until he gets down.
Actually, there are a few large blood veins (are they called arteries?) in your legs. Fore example, being shot in the thigh can cause you to die in seconds. So, why couldn't and arrow do that?

Also, I think that an arrow sticking half way through in your leg would definitely dismobilize you, and eventually kill you if the blood flow couldn't be stopped with bandages. Learn some goddamn human anatomy :grin:
A knights attitude doesn't save him from death. "Bah, I'm so c00l that a peasants arrow can not kill me".
You would wish you were dead if you got shot through the large nerve pipeline or whatever they call it in your ankle and you would stop fighting and roll on the ground helplessly no matter how big and tough and full of gas you are. Have you ever smashed a toe while walking to a toilet at night? That hurts darn it.
Tyfedo said:
Actually, there are a few large blood veins (are they called arteries?) in your legs. Fore example, being shot in the thigh can cause you to die in seconds. So, why couldn't and arrow do that?

In the thigh, yeah. But arrows don't often go through and through, leaving a gaping wound. They stick there and, at least partially, stop a bit of your blood for pouring out all over the place. So you probably wouldn't die as quickly or as easily from an arrow to the artery in your thigh as you would from a bullet.
The HP system in the game represents your ability to fight, when you are out of HP like you got shot several arrows to your leg you become unable to keep fighting (pain, shock etc. and eventually you bleed to death)

The HP system has it's disadvantages like foes strangely keep fighting with a javelin sticking out from their stomach or heart, its hard to represent the human body's behaviour about different types of damages.

My favorite HP implementation is what the Call of Duty games use, if you got hit and you dont die instantly you will be out of breath for a couple of seconds but after that you will get yourself together and you can go, still better than fighting through a battle with 1 HP...
you're right it isn't realistic at all.

If you take 3 arrows to the feet you suffer absolutely no penalty what so ever and your head is damn near invunerable behind a shield which doesn't cover it.

I think you should be happy with your legs just the way they are, the lack of realism is in your favor.

And lets be honest, how much fun would the game be if one shot to the leg made you immobile? :S
you might as well complain about the size of the shields! They cover everything! and only leave like 2cm of thier feet to shoot at
I think the most pain possible for a human to endure is to have their femur cut in half or snapped. I know I heard that somewhere. I think that enough pain can cause death, and obviously having your leg cut off would cause massive amounts of blood loss.
mdk31 said:
Tyfedo said:
Actually, there are a few large blood veins (are they called arteries?) in your legs. Fore example, being shot in the thigh can cause you to die in seconds. So, why couldn't and arrow do that?

In the thigh, yeah. But arrows don't often go through and through, leaving a gaping wound. They stick there and, at least partially, stop a bit of your blood for pouring out all over the place. So you probably wouldn't die as quickly or as easily from an arrow to the artery in your thigh as you would from a bullet.

If we're talking of longbows, for example, the arrow will sink really deep (If not all the way through. Depends on your armour...). And once that blood vein is punctured, theres no arrow in the hole that could stop the pour.
When shot in the foot you might not necessarily be dead, but probably you would be quite incapacitated. And you might die after that for some reason.
Tyfedo said:
Actually, there are a few large blood veins (are they called arteries?) in your legs. Fore example, being shot in the thigh can cause you to die in seconds. So, why couldn't and arrow do that?

The vein carries blood back to your heart, but arteries take blood to the organs.
What about getting hit in the shoulder with an crossbow bolt?
It's unlikely to kill you but you wouldn't be able to swing another weapon again or lift a shield with that shoulder.
Same goes for the foot, some blood loss but if treat it in time you might be able to live but still incapacitated for the rest of your life.
Uther said:
Now, while getting shot in the foot greatly lowers performance and hence your chance of leaving the battlefield, it's nearly impossible for it to kill you, unless you are a total wuss and die of pain shock.
Reaslim, eh? Well, let's think about this. To kill someone with an arrow to the foot in MnB, they need to be pretty hurt already. So they've either been torn up by a sword or axe, or maybe they've already been pierced by a number of projectiles. In any case, they are not vigorous or fresh by any means. As such, it's perfectly understandable that a foe gets felled by an arrow to the foot.
Sir Lulzalot said:
Tyfedo said:
Actually, there are a few large blood veins (are they called arteries?) in your legs. Fore example, being shot in the thigh can cause you to die in seconds. So, why couldn't and arrow do that?

The vein carries blood back to your heart, but arteries take blood to the organs.

Ok. I don't speak english as my mother tongue, so I couldn't tell which did which.
I just thought it can't be that easy.

Either armor is underpowered, or it's the mechanics :razz:

Think of spartan front lines.
They stood their ground whilst being greatly outnumbered by Persians, and the equipment they had left their legs exposed to arrows. Big chields (similar to huscarls), helmets and bronze shin guards. Bronze...shin guards. Against many many arrows.

So, i'm just speculating here. I haven't actually done tests with any armor to see how it holds up.
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