Killing lords

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Ask Lynores, from the Pelopponesian war, he made such a thing, maybe you could check how hes done it. He did so that when you win, a dialogue comes up if you capture the lord with three choices:

Your free to go,
Your my Prisoner now,
You better start digging my lord.
martijntjeeh said:
Ask Lynores, from the Pelopponesian war, he made such a thing, maybe you could check how hes done it. He did so that when you win, a dialogue comes up if you capture the lord with three choices:

Your free to go,
Your my Prisoner now,
You better start digging my lord.

I am asking no one. I am waiting for a volunteer. If nobody volunteers it's fine as well.  :sad:
Yes, the good one is, the Last Factions don't overrun you with there Armies. The Bad one is, the factions don't can create Patrols, so they was at last bind on there city's and Castles. A good deal was to learn the KI build Patrols, like the Player can. But the next Problem was, they eventually form too great Patrols over twohundred or so (I don't know its so easy to give the KI Intelligent limits). And they can Endless make Patrols. In reality a Kingdom can be weakened out.

I think it was a good Idea make it possible take the Lords out and weakening a Kingdom, so they can create fewer and fewer and fewer Armies. By and by the Armies have no Commanders and then the Kingdom was to weak to create greater Patrols. I don't think this Idea was doable, but I think it was a good Idea. The Factions was to addicted on there Lords, and the only Way for Players to weakened a Kingdom was Hunt the Lords and take them in Prison forever. This is the Boring fact in this Game.

Better was tactic Elements to weakened an Kingdom. Conquer Mines, Diplomacy Actions, Spy Actions, decimate Armies, pillage logistics, boodle Lords, rig heir, Married a Queen etc.

But I dreaming around here... :mrgreen:
killing lords is annoying all your rleation with every faction gets into negatives even yours well atleast that was in SOD
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