Killer suggestions!!! Must read!!!!

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Ready guys? here come the two killer suggestions, fun, easy to implement and fitting to the game theme:

On some random point in time, let it be known throughout the lands, that:

Lord Whatshisname of Wherewasit has called all the noble and able men and women of the land to participate in a grand TURNAMENT in his fief. During the tournament, the best man in the following disciplines shall be asserted once and for all!

- Jousting! one vs. one, throw the other guy of his horse
- Full Melee on Foot! 8 vs. 8, no horses allowed, use whatever you want
- Full Melee on Horse! 8 vs. 8, horses allowed, use whatever you want
- Mounted Shooting! You have 3 minutes to ride through the parcours (several times if you can) and strike as many hits at the 12 targets.
- Lancing! The same as mounted shooting but targets are rings and shields
- Prisoner Chasing! (ok, thats evil - but could be real fun!) the prisoner is given 10 seconds advance to run off, then time is measured until you kill him. Use any weapon and method you like!

And the ultimate, uber-thrilling highlight of the event:

- POLO! 4 vs. 4, Don't forget to bring your own team and horses with you.

All events will be held tournament style, winner advances, looser driven out in disgrace. First, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places will be rewarded with prices and honours.

Participants are obliged to bring their own equipement, horses and team mates. Where fighting live opponents only blunt weapons are allowed. No warrenty is taken for damaged equipement. participation at own risk.


What do you say guys? Would that be fun or what? The trick is to make it appear only at certain times, so as to be an exciting event.
Ingolifs said:
Common suggestion redirection sheet.
Various ideas on expanding tournaments, etc: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thankyou for your cooperation.

Lost-Lamb said:
Ingolifs said:
Common suggestion redirection sheet.
Various ideas on expanding tournaments, etc: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thankyou for your cooperation.


OK, so jousting and melee tournaments have been proposed. You got me there.
But what about mounted shooting, lancing and prisoner chasing (TM)? And what about Polo? That would be such a nice little gimmick, and not to hard to implement is think.
Lost-Lamb said:
The polo would be quite difficult actually as it would need a physics engine for the ball

Not to say that it'd be kinda out of place...
Why not cards game, then? A lot more common.

Just doesn't fit.
Huh, I thought these "killer suggestions" would, you know, have a lot more killing :cool:

Why wouldn't polo fit though? It was popular among many steppe peoples. Of course, the ball was usually the severed head of one of their enemies. (The physics, rules, and actual ability to reach the ground from horseback are an entirely different matter...)

Target shooting -- both mounted and unmounted -- would be a great addition to the game however. I've always wondered why it wasn't part of the Zendar Trainer's spiel.
Right, or a friendly game of charades with some jolly sea raider studs.

4 words!

First word:

4 letters!

Sounds like: duck

Second word:


Third word:


Fourth word:

Nairagorn, I must confess you've got me. It's an intriguing idea, I'd love to sample human flesh and compare the flavor to more conventional meats. It'd be an exciting new experience, and odds are I'd like the taste.
I'm sure you're used to it Fluffy.

okiN, I knew you were ignoring it :razz: just had to suck all the fun out didn't ya.

Anyway, sorry about the threadjack. I'll go yell at myself now. Maybe ban myself if i don't stop.
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