Killer Gear

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Are you bored, because you have mastered mount and blade and it seems so easy?

Try playing the Dunk Man Challenge! Play the lowest of the scum!

Allowed equipment:

Weapons - butcher knife (no daggers!), sickle, or hatchet as a backup. No shields!, No staves or pikes! Weapons must be bent or chipped. No shields! Ranged weapons - only throwing stones.
Armor - must be always tattered or battered or ragged. Only allowed head cover is woolen cap and that funny purple hat bandits wear. No shoes or boots whatsoever! Body armor - rags or furs at best.

No horse, that's a luxury you cannot endure!

Don't enlist Borcha or Marnid.

You can hire only scum - peasants, peasant women, refugees pirates (via liberations) or bandits. Never upgrade them!

Now go show them kniggets who's da boss!
It's possible to find boots that does not provide armour cover.

Those should be allowed so you don't run barefootet, unless that was the idea.
Now go show them kniggets who's da boss!

I fear that no matter how good thy thinkest thou to be, thou couldst never defeat my 62 Dark Knights

If thou doth emerge victorius, thy wouldst still have me to conted with. Methinks thy efforts for reassurance is futile. Thou already knoweth that thou are the greatest warrior, why shouldst thou seek reassurance? if thy hunger for the best is not fulfilled in your eyes, then thou art not worth of such a position, forasmuch as thou gaze upon thyself as a god, i look upon thee as an overrated annoyance, thy futile needs to prove thyself are rundunt and useless. If thy can defeat any opponent, no matter the odds, then you are the best.....however, if we were to meet on the same field, i assure you, ragged fur will not stop my furious onslaught. If thou art seeking a challenge, seek me out, for i shall end thy sick game of fun

In other words, sure have fun, but dont expect me to go easy on you becuase you wanna go at my men with a hatched and a fur coat...

Ian :smile:

Well, our hero, Sir Hoodlum, has emerged in the city of Zendar. He was stole from the knight he was serving and had to run for his life. He is not pretty, he is not strong. He has no money, nor influence. But he values his wretched life above everything else. After selling all the junk that belonged to his dumb master, he bought a "value" hatched - chipped, but servicable, some fancy rags and picked a fews stones that always come in hand. And off to the in to find some merry company! The money for his master's horse and sword will buy many a jug of ale... at least for some time.

When the barkeeper no longer wanted to pour another jug to Sir Hoodlum and his "merry men", and the tavern seemed too crowdy to pick a fight, it was time to seek the first victims to take care of the "cashflow situation".

Scum rule number one - always pick a fight with someone weaker. Those four river pirates ain't gonna be pirating anymore. Too bad that for some strange reason, our hero finds himself unable to rob and murder peaceful peasants roaming the countryside.

First complication in combat. Though severely outnumbered, the enemy did not run away. The yellow arrow depicts the direction from which the blow came. Fortunately, the fellow gang members dragged Sir Hoodlum away to safety.


Robbing a caravan. They did not want to believe at first that it was a robbery. (No, that guy on the horse with the mean looking mace is not a part of the gang). It was a tough fight, butcher knife danced on the caravan guards' backs, the hatched cleaved horse skulls, stones drummed on the enemy armor. It pays to keep the hoods in one tight crowd - the horsemen are not clever enough to circle. After the fight, only 2 HP left. But the loot was worth it. Caravan master was captured alive, being the only survivor to tell the tale. 7 out of 28 peasant gangsters dead.
Go Sir Hoodlum!

Personally I think the shirt Sir Hoodlum is wearing looks too neat and is ruining his style.
Ok. I couldn't resist trying out the scum scenario, so here it goes.
Meet Buttocks:

Buttocks doesn't like wearing shirts. Shirts ruin his gangster style. He wants to be a river pirate, cause they get to run around half-naked, beating people up and getting drunk (I'm sure that's what a proper river pirate would do in his spare time).

So Buttocks goes meet some of his river pirate pals, gathers up a nice bunch of them, and sets out to rob someone. He camps near Zendar, and waits for someone to leave town. And voilá. 1 peasant leaves town and heads for the wilderness to do God knows what. 1 lousy peasant. Alone. Here's what happens when dumb peasants travel alone:


That's right. They get mugged. Serves him right.
Alas, the people back in town don't quite aprove all this beating innocent people up stuff, so now Buttocks' gang has the local authorities chasing them down. Since river pirates walk around drunk and in their bare feet, they are quite slow and get caught quickly. Intense drunken water combat ensues:


(this screenshot had a little problem)

Quite a party going there!
You'd be amazed at what a concentrated group of river pirates can accomplish. I attacked a vaegir caravan with an escort of 2 knights and 4 horsemen, beat the crap out of them, and lost only 1 river pirate in 20 (okay, lvl 3 surgery might have helped).
River pirates are misunderstood, they only resort to violence and thievery because of their dependency on alcohol and drugs and rock & roll.
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