Kidnapped girl near halmar

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Hi i recently bought the game and i think it has a ton of potential. I could be mistaken, but I think that the quest where you rescue the girl near halmar is bugged. I killed the hostage takers and never paid the ransom, but then when i talk to the girl she says that i dont have enough room in my party for her. I have multiple open slots though and this doesnt make sense. Great game, keep up the good work.
Perhaps she must go in the "prisoners" slot, and that is full, or perhaps you simply don't have prisoner management skill. Check that.
There are two limitations to your party. Max numbers and max slots. Slots refer to the type of unit. The kidnapped girl is a unique unit, so she needs her own slot in your party. You will need to disband or promote a type of unit to make room.

Dismissing a hero is probably your best bet. You can always come back and pick them up once you're done, or meet up with them at the Four Ways Inn.

It might be better to either have her take a prisoner slot, or simply follow the player as a seperate party on the map screen. The latter might be a better option, as players who don't take points in prisoner management can still complete the quest.
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