SP - Quests Kidnapped Daughter

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You fail the quest if you decide to let the daughter run away with her lover. I'm not a fan of quests that fail because you make a choice, sure the quest is to bring her back so you should not get the reward and you should lose relation with the father.
But instead of failing the quest they could give you a smaller reward 100-200 Denars, that you could decline and instead increase the trait Generosity or Mercy & some xp in Charm?
I think relations loss with the father is fair enough, although there should be some way of winning relations back as I have just posted about.
It would be better if the daughter or her partner later appear in game as companion options with an extra loyalty to you, as in they don't complain about anything, and are lower level/more sculptable than the current companions

Edit: Yes I totally agree about the traits affect you mentioned too :smile:
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I agree. Quests should only be fallible (?) if there is only one desirable goal.
In any other case a quest is just a plot hook. After all the quest could also have the name "Help lovers in need". You make your decision and live with the consequences, but the quest itself is completed. Also I think that - from a gamistic standpoint - the rewards should be balanced somehow, i.e. one gets e.g. Generosity or Mercy instead of money, like you suggested.
Also, when talking to the couple, the quest gives two options approx.:
1.Okay I will leave you in peace (You let them go)
2.How do I know you are telling the truth and are not forced to say this by him? (You don't let them go)

But as I had understood, it would have been nice to be able to let them go after I selected option 2. I had to load in a save file to be able to let them go. The option was not making it clear enough that I was going to keep forcing it...
So basically, I would like the quests to have logical follow-ups and better descriptions of options, as well as balanced rewards if we do not fail with the task we wanted to accomplish. If we choose a way it should not be a dead end.
Interactions definately need more branches and variation of conversation, the same quests saying the same thing each time just becomes a skip fest. There should be more outcomes/choices too, we aren't in Warband any more and I'd love to see more quest ambition by the developers. The more quests and depth to them the better the story that develops on the player's journey.
Yea why would i even take the quest if i want to let lovers get away.
Sometimes it should spawn with girl really getting kidnapped without her desire
Variations would be good, so yeah, why not :smile: Personally I would like a chance of an even better work-out where the father accepts the lad, with a bit of work from you in the persuasion department and training him up a bit to prove his worth. He could become a companion option after if you succeed :smile:
My suggestion would be that if you opt to let the lovers be together, you should have a chance to talk the father into accepting it. If you succeed, you don't get any money but you do get the relationship gain. If you fail your conversation checks, you get one more option where you offer up a dowry, something like 2k gold or whatever 'sizable enough to noticed' is once economics gets balanced out, to get him to grudgingly go along with it (no relationship gain, but still quest exp) or just accept the loss (proper failure, relationship loss, no reward, ect...).
My suggestion would be that if you opt to let the lovers be together, you should have a chance to talk the father into accepting it. If you succeed, you don't get any money but you do get the relationship gain. If you fail your conversation checks, you get one more option where you offer up a dowry, something like 2k gold or whatever 'sizable enough to noticed' is once economics gets balanced out, to get him to grudgingly go along with it (no relationship gain, but still quest exp) or just accept the loss (proper failure, relationship loss, no reward, ect...).
Yeah, stuff like that I'd love to see in the game. I know it's mostly about the combat, but copy and paste hideout raids isn't what I was expecting or wanting to do, there should be some story or interaction involved, be it different ways of attacking for hideouts or involving yourself with gangs. I've played the Mount and Blade series for near on 15 years, since 2005 when it came out (around abouts) and the only thing that hasn't developed much is the quests. It would be a shame for it to stay at the level of Warband, but I think the devs hadn't realised how much they had left to do when releasing for early access. I could be wrong, but the amount of bugs going on is quite substantial. Let's hope they can get everything fixed and then add some depth to quests :smile:
I'd love the option to back out if my arguments aren't working and let them be together, instead of -having- to kill the guy if that bit fails its RNG check.
Yeah it's a shame it forces you to ruin her life she was looking forward to, there should be more options
If you let them go you should get +Merciful or something along those lines. Just outright failing when given a choice and doing the honorable thing(in your eyes) whichever you choose should not only have a negative hit on your rep. You should get a positive in some respect.
I really like your idea, it creates an interesting choice. Also it'll be less of a pain if you click the wrong option like I have once or twice. ?
Would be nice to have a second outcome, when the girl is really kidnapped. Seeing the same scenario over and over again is boring.
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