Kidnapped daughter problem

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I've done the kidnapped daugher quest many times, and never had a problem. This last time I got the quest from Suno, and the girl was near Halmar. After defeating the bandits, I told her to wait there while I made room in my party. I was going to let Marnid go temporarily, but first I saw a battle that I wanted to join in. After winning the battle, I went back to get the girl, but she had left. I didn't think she was supposed to go in to "patrol" mode, but she did. It took a LONG time to track her down, especially since she is so fast by herself. Once I caught her there was no problem completing the quest, but I had never had her wander around before. If this is how it is supposed to happen, just ignore this, but since it had never happened and seemed strange I thought I would mention it.
yeah if you have marnid or borcha " stay here" they will also wander about to stay alive hehe.
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