Kidnaped girl not going home! (7.003)

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Hi there,

yesterday i went 2 save this girl (i was asked by some dude in halmar) but after saving her i had 2 save my game. When i restored my quest had changed to " **** ask you to save girl at halmar and bring her home at halmar" :shock: . Well i took her to halmar but she did not want to leave my party! then i took her to thir ( where **** was and where i remembered she had 2 go to) but she still did not want to leave my party! :sad: .

Now i know i am very handsome and all but plz i need the slot! :evil:
Welcome to the forums, FanietheGreat. :smile:

I'm not sure why you are having that problem ... sounds like a corrupted save file. As to fixing it ... I don't have any idea. :sad:

My best advice would be to turn cheats on and check every town's merchant that way and see if any of them will take her. With cheats enabled, cntl-left click will instantly transport you and your party to that point.

Hope this works,

I encountered the same problem with the kidnapped girl. It only occurs when the merchant that gives the mission (in my case, Rivacheg) tells you that the girl is being held outside the same town (Rivacheg for me) as the merchant giving the mission.

I was unable to rid myself of the girl when that happened, no matter how many times I reentered Rivacheg, how many towns I visited (all of them)...even letting the quest time expire (it never updated to show the expired time limit.) She did, however, make it to level 8 before my computer died and I lost the file.
Welcome to the forum, Vevila. :grin:

Sorry to hear that you are also having this problem. I wish I could suggest something more helpful than what I already offered, but I can't.

It shouldn't be too long before Armagan gets back and he can get started on fixing bugs.

Hope to see you around,

Vevila said:
I encountered the same problem with the kidnapped girl. It only occurs when the merchant that gives the mission (in my case, Rivacheg) tells you that the girl is being held outside the same town (Rivacheg for me) as the merchant giving the mission.

I was unable to rid myself of the girl when that happened, no matter how many times I reentered Rivacheg, how many towns I visited (all of them)...even letting the quest time expire (it never updated to show the expired time limit.) She did, however, make it to level 8 before my computer died and I lost the file.

Too bad you can't actually get her to upgrade her stats and equipment when she levels up.... Heh you could "kidnap" her and force her to stay with your party. I'm not even going to go into the morality of that, especially considering the ramifications of what one woman among many men would entail... but it would be fun to have another hero, especially one in a dress :smile:
Im having the same problem. Not 30 minutes ago, I got the quest from the Merchant in Zendar to rescue the girl from bandits outside Reyvadin, and return her to Reyvadin. I have her but she just wont go. I've talked the everyone in Reyvadin, even the Merchant that gave me the quest in Zendar, but she wont leave for anything. I can't even disband her. I keep on trying to get her to die in battle but she only gets knocked unconscious. It really sucks because she it completely messed up my plans on my next troops to hire and upgrades because she holding up a troop slot.

Its one of those annoying little bugs that makes me not even want to play because I spent a lot of time on this character and really don't want to start over. Ah well..
I'm in the same boat the quest log tells me to take her to the town where they are holding her. but I would think they would want you to take her back to the town where you got the quest but no they dont want her. I also would like to access her stats also no reason we cant become the kidnapers.
Another case of rescued girl not going home. Quest was given in Jelkala to meet the bandits near Veluca and then bring rescued girl to Veluca (usually here would be Jelkala?). She doesn't leave the party when in Veluca or Jelkala.

Edit: In the party skills list she is also listed as a party member (like heroes).
Vevila said:
Too bad you can't actually get her to upgrade her stats and equipment when she levels up.... Heh you could "kidnap" her and force her to stay with your party. I'm not even going to go into the morality of that, especially considering the ramifications of what one woman among many men would entail... but it would be fun to have another hero, especially one in a dress :smile:

Lol i have to admit it would be 'alright' having company with someone other then those 2 friggin studges borcha and marnid , im sick of having to wrap bandages about the back of my head after every battle :razz:.
Äkys said:
Another case of rescued girl not going home. Quest was given in Jelkala to meet the bandits near Veluca and then bring rescued girl to Veluca (usually here would be Jelkala?). She doesn't leave the party when in Veluca or Jelkala.

Same except start town and Rivacheg. My suspicion was special status of the start town broke it. So much for that. Madame Useless Princess is up to level ~19.
Same problem here. Jelkala this time. May be a corrupted save, because most of my quests are saying "Count *** in want you to..." i.e. there's just a space where the town name should be. Annoying if I have to start over. Don't think I would want to really.

May also be because, right after resucing her (before the quest completed notice came up), I went and fought some troublesome bandits. Maybe I should've given the game a bit of time to update the quests? The no town name bug had started a bit before that though.
Welcome to the forums, Eternity. :smile:

Again, I'm sorry you are having this problem. I've been unable to re-create it myself so haven't been able to even guess at a solution. If it is a corrupted save game, then there is little that you can do other than start a new character and use the in-game cheats to re-create the character.

Are you using an upgraded version or a new, full install?

Sorry I'm unable to help ... just hang in there until Armagan can get a new version out and see if he gets it fixed.

I am playing v0.704 registered, upgraded (after full install) M&B without mods or cheats. I still have the game saved (in case sending a save file would be of any help?)

Also, I haven't been offered any more rescue missions after one is impossible to complete..

(I remember also seeing the "hero_party" bug during the same game, but it has disappeared.)

It would be fun if one could give equipment to this new extra party member and could be able to allocate her level gain skill points.

Hope this helps..!
I have another kidnapped girl problem. I got the quest from the merchant in Rivacheg and she is supposed to be returned to Jelkala.

I am using version .704
also got that problem, that stupid girl won't just return to sargoth.. and well she's level 4 now, too bad (as already someone said) I can't update her stats... it'd be fun
Vevila said:
I encountered the same problem with the kidnapped girl. It only occurs when the merchant that gives the mission (in my case, Rivacheg) tells you that the girl is being held outside the same town (Rivacheg for me) as the merchant giving the mission.

I was unable to rid myself of the girl when that happened, no matter how many times I reentered Rivacheg, how many towns I visited (all of them)...even letting the quest time expire (it never updated to show the expired time limit.) She did, however, make it to level 8 before my computer died and I lost the file.

Same thing happened to me, and same town. Got the quest in Zendar, was told the bandits were waiting outside Rivacheg. Went to Rivacheg, took care of business and went to every talkable person in Rivacheg, even Borcha the prisoner. No go. Then I went back to Zendar, and talked to everyone there. No go. I saved just after receiving the quest, and I'm going to try to complete the quest once more after restarting my computer (rebooting can sometimes be a wonderful bug-solution). If it still doesn't work, I say screw the mission and let the bandits have their way with her. Stupid woman. :mad:

Oh, and I'm using v0.704.
Bought the full game last night and had this bug hit today. Since there seems to be no fix, guess I'll be starting over. :sad:

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