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So after reading the FAQ i read that a serial key can be shared 2x

Q: Can I install Mount&Blade on more than one computer?
A: You can install Mount&Blade on a second computer provided you own them both. For example you can install it on your desktop computer and your laptop simultaneously.

So i did this to my brothers computer (which is generally mine since he rarely used it) and we installed M&B Warband Napoleonic War on both and wanted to play online (same serial key)
But after a while it asked for a key again so i gave him the key again and suddenly he gets kicked out of every  server including my own, same effects were on my PC so i was also kicked all the time

After reading some i found out this is a anti piracy measure taken by the developers.
Am i doing something wrong or is this not allowed? We cannot play LAN by the way since for some reason those 2 PC's can't connect to each other decently...
Thanks! :grin:
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