Keen Sight + Mounted patrols = The mobile Prison that holds entire factions (in1.5.10)

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Hey EVRYONE look! This guys a CHEATER! He used cheats in a singleplayer game! Ooooo-oooooooo!!!!!!! ?
Of course I use, I play for fun, and I use everything who makes the game reasonable, if I capture a bunch of lords I don't want they escape in the next two seconds just because TW doesn't have any way to make the AI harder. I use cheats to my companions never die to, and I'm looking for one who allows me to execute enemies lords without penalties, I stop wars if my faction start wars with more than two factions etc. I also start as a king with a full armor and perks, married, with kids, I got and edited companions in my army, with full armor and sometimes I get this stuff for my self, I play as I like, so I don't complain against the lack of nothing, for me this game is almost perfect . ?
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Live and let die. I kinda dropped the game when they scrapped the bandit horde idea permanently, back in whatever version it was there was a non-functioning perk where bandits would never leave our party. Someone fixed the non-functioning aspect through a mod. It wasn't OP because of diminishing returns and still they decided to throw it in the bin. Fun isn't allowed around here
I'm still hoping they didn't scrap the idea. Until I see that perk's second effect implemented I won't jump to conclusions (it still has the text that says "Not implemented" so a perk effect is still to come, we just don't know if it's the same that was intended at first, which I hope it is). Without that perk roguery is a very useless perk tree, and it would be a shame to not implement it, waste of potential for a whole new different playstyle... Still, I'm going to wait and see, I wouldn't lose hope just yet though. I mean, how else are they going to make Roguery any sort of useful if they don't even allow you to gather a huge army of bandits? +loot% is useless, it's not like we don't have enough ways of getting rich, so we really need something significant and game-changing.
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