Just wondering...

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I was wondering if amragan got a sponsor or whatever for M&B2 and when is the full version of M&B coming out, just wondering don't need to answer if you don't know or answer even if you don't and feed me BS. I love the taste
Yeah... Plus the fact that version numbers are updating by hundredths... Let's do some foggy math.

Current patch #:
Patch Increment:
Previous patch#:
Time Between Patches:
~2 weeks or so.
Release version:


0.377/.001x2 weeks=754 weeks

1 year=52 weeks

754weeks/52=14.5 years.

lol u ar good in counting =)))))) ok 14 years is not so soon =D i think they nead som more ppl to work on the game!!
14,5 years... Well, M&B will be a true opposition for Gothic VII and Elder Scrolls X! :lol: And if armagan was alone, M&B would be done in 14,5*2 = 29 years. So if we want this game to be finished in, for instance, 1 year, we need a team of 29 men working on it. *Yeah, I'm good at that damn maths too :lol: *
Norph's right to an extent, but he's also joking. :razz: The game went from version 0.240 to 0.600 in one fell swoop - Armagan doesn't just release the next version as a 0.001 increment.
Yep. I thought releasing the game as 0.270 or something would be misleading. People could think it's some unplayable early beta release, whereas it was actually quite playable. Current numbering scheme kind of goes like:

+0.001 : version with minor improvements/fixes
+0.010 : Version with new features or major improvements
+0.100 : Version with some very important new feature
Sweet system. Two weeks! - Dang you guys work fast.
Do you do this as full-time or part-time work?

I would love to help if I just had the tools and/or the know how. I have modded games before but mostly it was just rebalancing, although for Call of Duty, an FPS: I merged two large mods together and tied up all the loose ends... but as far as modding goes it's still not far beyond basic.

Ps - what sorta plot you got planned? - Are there several medium plots, a couple of leads to a big plot, or just loads of cool little adventures. :roll:
I have been working on the game full-time for some time.

I have currently stopped developing or planning any kind of content. My whole focus these days is finishing and releasing mod-development tools.
armagan said:
I have been working on the game full-time for some time.

I have currently stopped developing or planning any kind of content. My whole focus these days is finishing and releasing mod-development tools.

Wow: so you feel the many people herin will be able to produce at least part of the workload quicker than you two alone... making the whole development faster.... right?! :grin:

And that prehaps the best examples might be included in the final version... and it would perhaps make it easier for yourselves to develop?

Please tell me I am on the right lines. :oops:

Either way - Thank you very much. :smile:

Note: :razz: - Nowadays with a game I usually spend almost as much time modding/developing/rebalancing it as playing it - but the many seemingly random numbers in your game files confused my small brain. :cry:
I notcied that one of my questions is going unoticed due to the hype of "When is the full version coming out?" question, so I will repeat it, you guys get some sponsors or publishers or something, because I have been seeing alot of hype on the internet about this game and you would think that some game developers would have notcied by now. I have seen some magazines that have articles about indy game developers getting some money to develop there games more fully from big companies, so I just wondering if you guys have had any offers or anything?
Otto: Anything is possible. Let's release the mod-builder and see what will come up. :smile:

Flinn: We don't really need a sponsor to finish the game. The hardest part of the job is already done. :wink:
just wondering armagan, are you going to hire some programming help to code in more content, because with all the suggestions on the boards, you have your hands full. and i mean real content such as game features, not changing variables using a mod tool or somthing.
Well you could start up some advertising maybe on gaming sites, or try to get M&B 2 as a retail product, get some gaming magazines interested, make your own gaming company like Rockstar or something, you know, storm the mighty walls of capitalism.
Just wondering armagan, are you going to hire some programming help to code in more content, because with all the suggestions on the boards, you have your hands full. and i mean real content such as game features, not changing variables using a mod tool or somthing.

Well you could start up some advertising maybe on gaming sites, or try to get M&B 2 as a retail product, get some gaming magazines interested, make your own gaming company like Rockstar or something, you know, storm the mighty walls of capitalism.

:grin: Isn't it just great fun planning other peoples lives? :lol:
I am sorry but it would just be wicked awesome to see an article in a gaming magazine about M and B!!!!
Someone might want to try to give the English version of PCGamer a ring. While I can't say I've ever actually purchased a copy myself, it seems like I often see reports of various Indie games being mentioned or reviewed there; much more often it seems than in the version we have here in the US or any other gaming magazine.

Then again I gave up on such publications a few years ago in general, so maybe others have opened up more in the meantime.
I think that the version 1.000 will come to us before March/2006.

... And will rocks.

What I would like to know is when the oficial mod tools will released...

May be in one month, or less... :cool:
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