Just some words about M&B

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Great game… What can I say more? I think I can. FANTASTIC game. This is what I’ve been waiting from RPG games. Just imagine yourself a medieval knight. Wow… Slaughter your enemies on your way to your goal. Total freedom this is what we need. And we get it.
Give me my lance, give me my horse, sword and crossbow. I’m ready to leave this world and change it for Calradia.
I’ve got the beta demo (version 0.623) only several days ago. I’ve reached the damned six level for dozen of times. And every time I want to punch my PC. Please, please!!!!! Let me stay…
Doesn’t matter. I’ll buy this game sooner or later (better sooner, maybe tomorrow).
What is that? Sea raiders? Running? Where? From me? Oh, no you don’t. Sharpen your swords, lads, it’s party time.
My favorite Gothic I-II is forgotten now. Yesterday I tried to start it again, but after 15 minutes I was riding my horse again. Along with my gang of mercenaries and faithful swadians (man, I can whait to see swadian knights in my gang!).
That was fast. Is anybody wounded? No? Good, let’s head to market and slavetrader, right former raiders? What about the loot? Not much but.. Hey! Nice horses. Not bad for some sea raiders to have such horses. Would you mind if I take them from you? No? Sorry, I’ve forgotten that dead can’t speak. OK… Lets hunt down some noble vaegirs, or better their knights. It’ll be more fun to fight them. I don’t want to fight unworthy. Here they are! Thanks God! Forward, lads!!!! Charge!!!!! To Victory!

P.S. Thanks Armagan. Thank you very much. If you want I can create a M&B Web-site for Russian and Ukraine. There are a lot of fans of M&B already. Just let me know.
i used to love them, but its a little annoying to search for a topic and all you get is those thank you posts. I'm not sayin you shouldnt show your apprecieation, its just that there is a topic for that, and we dont really need all these posts since the forum is starting to get HUGE
Look here Kniggit. If you don't want to read it nobody makes you to read. And it's my right and duty to thank developers of M&B for such masterpiece. So if you have any complaints - f...ck off. I will wright what I want.
Radja said:
Look here Kniggit. If you don't want to read it nobody makes you to read. And it's my right and duty to thank developers of M&B for such masterpiece. So if you have any complaints - f...ck off. I will wright what I want.

...youre very friendly.... :twisted:
Radja said:
Look here Kniggit. If you don't want to read it nobody makes you to read. And it's my right and duty to thank developers of M&B for such masterpiece. So if you have any complaints - f...ck off. I will wright what I want.
Wow, such a friendly guy. Someone who will definately wright what they want. That poor guy. Learns to build an airplane, gets dead and buried, and now this guy is messing with him. Sheesh.

Kniggit said:
we know you love the game, hell, we all do. But we cant have 7 topics a day sayin thanks can we? so this is a little topic just for that.
Shall we discuss hunting more? :smile:
Radja said:
Look here Kniggit. If you don't want to read it nobody makes you to read. And it's my right and duty to thank developers of M&B for such masterpiece. So if you have any complaints - f...ck off. I will wright what I want.

Успокойся. Не видишь тут таких как ты каждый день с десяток? Тебе вежливо сделали замечание, нечего обижатся.
Radja said:
Look here Kniggit. If you don't want to read it nobody makes you to read. And it's my right and duty to thank developers of M&B for such masterpiece. So if you have any complaints - f...ck off. I will wright what I want.

You will actually NOT write what you want. I left your post open because it was well written and full of praise. Despite the fact that I designated a special area JUST FOR THIS KIND OF POST! I still let this go. I figured that you would be ridiculed a bit, but I also figured that as a sensible human you would say "sorry didn't see" and go about your merry way. Yet you didn't, and instead of making a good impression like you intended you ended up telling someone to **** off. VERY mature.

To the rest of you, if you see duplicate threads, please just point the poster to the proper thread with as little irritation as possible.

I don't force anyone to read topic that I started. If someone wants just to say thanks whats wrong about that? Why someone should start saying that they are tired of "thank you" topics? Really, I think if you are tired of such topics, why reading it? NO, you must write your reply in a critic way, saying to stop writing it. This is my first "thank you" topic and you tell me not to right it. I would understant you, if I had written a dozen of those allready.

TO PAVLOV: Close this topic if you want. Here I wrote what I think. It's your choise.
Успокойся. Не видишь тут таких как ты каждый день с десяток? Тебе вежливо сделали замечание, нечего обижатся.

За что замечание? За то что я поблагодарил разработчиков игры за хорошую работу? Ведь это ФОРУМ обсуждения игры. Или я не прав? Почитай мое предыдущее сообщение, чтобы лучше меня понять, салавянин. [/quote]
All kniggit told you was that there was a thread for these kinds of comments. As I said before, you should have simply said you were sorry for not looking.

Just do us both a favor and put your post (which WAS very good) into the introduction/thank you thread, and lets all forget about this.

I'll let everyone keep their posts in this thread but umm... closed.
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