Just some suggestions

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Though I abanodned this game few days ago after plenty of opportunities to find out how some aspects of it ridiculous were, I still find useful to put some suggestions that can lessen the impact of these preposterous aspects.

1. This would probably be characterized as a cosmetic suggestion, but nevertheless, I really do think that the horses should look bigger. Their size should be increased by 15-25 %, because it's a bit funny to see horsemens' legs almost touching the ground...

2. It may be that in the later part of the game a hero gains ability to wear more than one weapon with him, I think that even in the very begging of the game the existence of that little chest on the field of battle, whose purpose is to store some hero's extra stuff is ... Well, I don't have a word to describe that. Nevertheless it is very strange that one must cross half of the field back in order to reach the chest and to take another weapon.
Well, more comments about this are probably of no use.

3. What certainly is the greatest problem of the game, is its primary goal to realistically represent the medieval combat. If the wisdom of combat in this game is reached when realizing that to fight you have to use only attack and block button, a bit of intuition for timing and stoned concentration then game failed to reach its goal. I would suggest a completely different approach to this problem, or improving the existing one.
Nevertheless you can consider it for some future projects or Mount&Blade II.

As I came to the end of this post, I know that it was written for nothing, as it's valuable suggestions would probably be determinanly ignored.
1. Sure, I think there should be a difference in size between a sumpter/saddle horse and a charger as well.

2. Um...you have 4 weapon slots, therefore you can carry four weapons with you into battle. Anything beyond that is somewhat unrealistic - this isn't Thief you know :wink:

3. I don't quite see what you're getting at here...do you mean the combat system needs reworking? Or are you wanting more strategy involved? What would you do instead? Within the limits of the AI at present I think the game is quite good, there's a certain amount of room for tactical manoevuring. Pretty much everyone wants more command options so I'm not sure what's different here...
NEVER use the title, "some suggestions"

1) I had that thought, peope were small and shorter and more muscled back then... sizes definately need to be on the agenda (for later, as the game engine is most important.)

2) graphia answered it quite well. *golf clap*

3) Many battles were skirmeshes, and in fact msotly the strategy was in positioning and "No plan ever survives contact with the enemy". THere is stuff in the stickies and theis page (or maybe page 2) about AI tactics.
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