just some ideas/thoughts

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1. right now horses totally and completely outclass people on foot. it would be nice if there were ground-bound pikemen using these long ass spears that can dismount/kill horses when a rider trys charging in. full-blown top-speed charges against mounted targets should also dismount them too. also, getting hit with a heavy cross-bow should have a chance to dismount you as well because the impact of getting hit by one of those things has to be pretty huge.

2. when im fighting with a party and a guy gets close to one of my archers, my archer just stands there and gets slaughtered instead of switching to a hand to hand wep. bug?

3. the ai for calvary needs to be changed so they just dont plunge into a group of guys during a blotched charge, stop cold, then surrounded and killed. happens to party/enemy alike. what if calvary didnt get stopped at all by people on foot, but just knocked them aside/trampled them. seems more realistic. my first idea would help balance this out.

3. some new party organization/commands would be sweet. like , the game would regonize what type of units your party members are, either archer, calvary, or foot grunt. you could have type-specefic commands that only to apply to a type of unit in your party. like , telling your archers to stand off and shoot arrows, or telling your infantry to cover your archers, telling your calvary to charge, stuff like that. and you could also tell your units to concentrate on attacking specific types of enemy units, like telling your calvary to engage only archers.

4. how about party formations? like having your foot infantry stand shoulder-to-shoulder with there sheilds out , ready to repel a calvary charge. you could also keep your unit types grouped closely together, like keep archers together with archers etc.

5. would be nice if the riding skill gave like a 5/10% damage bonus to warrider damage, say every 2 points.

6. as far as i can tell, the athletic skill is kinda worthless. i cant really notice much difference in walking speed on the action map, except on the world map it lets you walk faster. what if you made it affect a little of everything, like walking speed, along with weapon swing speed, damage increase, hit recovery time, jump height, etc.

7. what if the leadership skill also gave various small combat bonuses to your party, like damage increae, swing speed, etc. this would reflect your character being such a good leader, that your party would want to fight harder.

8. being able to run. like dash/spring short distances. this is standard fare in almost all rpgish games, so i dont see why not. have a stamina
meter, like the hp meter, that depletes when you run around, and slowly refills when youre walking. this could be a big asset in fights where your trying to avoid a calvary charge on foot. it could also make for a funky combat move where you charge in with your wepon and strike for some extra damage.

really great game btw, has the potential to be absolutely legnedary with unlimited replay value. kinda reminds me of final fantasy tactics but without as much customization (yet)
corksacker69 said:
1. right now horses totally and completely outclass people on foot. it would be nice if there were ground-bound pikemen using these long ass spears that can dismount/kill horses when a rider trys charging in. full-blown top-speed charges against mounted targets should also dismount them too. also, getting hit with a heavy cross-bow should have a chance to dismount you as well because the impact of getting hit by one of those things has to be pretty huge.
Pikemen would make things interesting if they could do that anti-cavalry formation (no defense for side / rear attacks, though)
2. when im fighting with a party and a guy gets close to one of my archers, my archer just stands there and gets slaughtered instead of switching to a hand to hand wep. bug?
I'd love a Diablo-style equipment screen for party members, so you can give them the stuff you want them to use.
3. the ai for calvary needs to be changed so they just dont plunge into a group of guys during a blotched charge, stop cold, then surrounded and killed. happens to party/enemy alike. what if calvary didnt get stopped at all by people on foot, but just knocked them aside/trampled them. seems more realistic. my first idea would help balance this out.
Horses with a high Charge stat (like war horses) do very well at crowd-bashing. The AI riders are still pretty dumb though, and they ignore Hold Position orders.
3. some new party organization/commands would be sweet. like , the game would regonize what type of units your party members are, either archer, calvary, or foot grunt. you could have type-specefic commands that only to apply to a type of unit in your party. like , telling your archers to stand off and shoot arrows, or telling your infantry to cover your archers, telling your calvary to charge, stuff like that. and you could also tell your units to concentrate on attacking specific types of enemy units, like telling your calvary to engage only archers.
Like assigning squads? Pre-battle, organising your troops into groups, then giving orders like "Squad 3, hold position; Squad 2, follow me". That'd be sweet.
8. being able to run. like dash/spring short distances. this is standard fare in almost all rpgish games, so i dont see why not. have a stamina
meter, like the hp meter, that depletes when you run around, and slowly refills when youre walking. this could be a big asset in fights where your trying to avoid a calvary charge on foot. it could also make for a funky combat move where you charge in with your wepon and strike for some extra damage.
Yeah, it'd be good, except if heavy armour / weapon dudes could jog for any decent distance. More incentive to stay with light armour.
Yeah, it'd be good, except if heavy armour / weapon dudes could jog for any decent distance. More incentive to stay with light armour.

i think that wearing any armor should impede you on foot, like swing speed/walk speed penaltys , faster hit recovery time etc. would take lots more stamina to run as well. the degree of that penalty would depend upon your armor. so you could have big lumbering platemail tincan infantry with tower sehilds that would probabley only be good for absorbing calvary charges, and medium armored skirmishers that would still maintain good speed for hand to hand fighting.
I think that's already present, the Encumberance stat seems to determine how fast you can move on foot. Not sure if it affects riding speed.
really? well the difference between walk speed when youre completely naked and fully armored is barley noticeable, along with the benefit from
the athletic skill.
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