Just realized I was an Idiot.

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OK this is going to be my 3rd game, for my 2nd game I just had installed the Mag7 Mod, but din't do so properly so now i played over again for nothing :O (Well gained ease with the controls, ,to be optimist :razz:) Anyways, I'm now going to undertake the journey again, but would like to know about :

1-Gold Cheat?

I've done so much trading in my 2 other games, raised like 150k in trading in my 1rst game, ,then another 100k in my 2nd. But now I feel I should get a little break in this game....

Please help ! :grin:

PS: I've looked with the search engine to find gold cheat, but only stumble upon an XP cheat... :sad:
Write down the amount of gold owned by your character upon startup, convert that value into a hexadecimal value, then save the game, and then use a hex editor on the savegame file, searching for that value. It will be an entry occupying four bytes of data. Replace that entry with FF FF FF 7F and you will have an instant 2 billion gold pieces.

Needless to say, at that point, you will have "won" the game and can quit. :lol:
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