Sergeant Knight at Arms
Hello, Actually I think everybody is taking this matter from wrong side. I do not actually think we need a big Nerf for bows in general only a distance correction can do the job. But people think that bows are overpowered because how human manipulate the system. If you hire 300 fian champions ofc it would be very powerful for a mixed armies. But how would you think if AI would hire 300 cavalary ( where they need their charge capacity from warband) to counter you. Actually this can be solved by defining a army composition restrictions. There should be huge disadvantages for single type armies. For example in my latest game I had 300 horse-archer army where I nearly wiped everything. But the only cause for this is that AI does not counter me with 300 Archers! Normally AI is hiring according to a mixed formula! But human does not have this so we are manipulating the system. So I would prefer an AI improvement.(where it is imposible ) or army composition restrictions. So an army should consists Archer + Cavalary ( Light, Archer, Heavy) + Infantry. In warband everybody was crying that mount+blade is too powerful now same is happening for archers. But the thing is AI improvement effects archers mainly and actually reversed everything in favor of archers. Also another good idea is to make archers train harder ( I agree with it but it would not help), but still we are talking about a game where is all about grinding and human will wait 1 more month to have their archers if he is sure that it would break the balance in favor of him.
- Find a hard battle in your campaign.
- Enable cheats to add and test units playing the same battle.
- Test 200 Fian Campions against the strong AI army.
- Now play the same battle, but at this time pick 200 Banner Knights or 200 Legionaries.
Then you are going to see that archers are pretty OP and it is not about adding caps, it is about archers and xbows completely overperforming other kind of units.