good shielded infantry should be able to block most attacks within a formation, and that's why most battles take really long time if both sides are balanced. This is why fights between hoplites are boring... However, if u can out-flank them the battle would be much quicker and more fun.Yes. While AI just holding and holding block - it is pretty damn boring.
There are two more problems:
1) Base damage is stupidly high. In WB base damage was low but modifier was high. In BL base damage is stupidly high and modifier is low.
It means pesant with 2 hander can onesshot elite knight.
2) Moshpits and overheads. Mobs will create a blob then spam overheads. It means that every single hit is headshot with bonus damage.
I agree with the two other problems. But I do think the modifier in bannerlord is sufficient. While I think 2h base damage is a bit on the high side, boosting armor should be the solution. However, I believe an elite knight wins fights against well-equipped peasants because they cannot hit him. I mean imagine a knight fully armored tied to the ground with an angry mob of peasants heavy war hammer in hand... might not one-shot him, but I imagine the knight wont end well.
2)would be a pathfind issue, which I don't think would be fixed soon.