Just another Idea (kind of like perks)

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I was thinking that when you first make your character, you should one strength and one weakness out of a pool determined by your starting class. Example, as a squire, you could start with a better horse, but suffer a 10% penalty to trade because a few too many whacks to the head during your training. Or a hunter starting with 10% bonus to crosshair drawing (when you string your bow), but every hit to his shield would get 10% more damage because he's overly protective of his firing arm. I think it could be items or stats, and not be strong enough to be impossible to redefine yourself, but would add some more customization.

Whaddya think?
This is already kinda in the game. Squires have 0 trade, merchants have 2 trade. squires already are buffed in skills such as ironflesh, riding and shields. Hunters aren't. Hunters have a larger starting proficiency with both, giving them better aim. Priests don't. Priess know a lot about healing and have points in surgery etc. Merchants don't.

Basically it's already in the game in one form or another.
I don't like it. IT takes away from the ROLE-PLAYING feel of the game. And it's already implemented, not perfectly but it's there.

It has been suggested many times before, but it's a very common mistake to not look at other threads on the SAME PAGE. Sorry, we get a lot of repeated suggesyions, it starts to get to me everyonce in a while. Your BEST FRIENDS are the STICKIED THREADS and SEARCH (wich is an OK search enginge).

Welcome to the forums.
Like Ingolifs said, its already implimented. You start with different horses, different skills and so on based on your chosen past. Cute girls even start off with spirited coursers, due to their past marrying a rich nobleman, then claiming to have been abused and sueing them for their better and more expensive horse ::razz:
I understand that, and I know that the game is in beta: I just don't feel there's enough options as of now. And what I was trying to suggest, maybe I worded it awkwardly, was that it goes beyond the skill outlines.
Well, have you played morrowind? IF not then look it up. I like the system it has. THere is a thread on this page where we talked about this same subject, I suggest you look it up.
All the stats are already different based on what class you choose. I have no problem with more classes to choose from, but everyone already starts with completely different stats, and equipment. Don't see how else this would be 'improved' ::smile:
A hunter would develop hunting skills a bit faster, and I have noticed (in .702) that squire starts with 23 in crossbow but 33 in bow.
Raz, you mentioned morrowind, truly one of my favorite games, and a perfect example: picking your sign. By picking certain signs you gain special abilities that aren't tied to your skill. Now obviously, saying you are an aquarius so you can swing a sword faster isn't realistic, but that's the kind of perk I'm talking about. Something just beyond the scope of the skill system.
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