
Aim new here is there a chance to make mod same as Rt w all the units and classes and also set bonuses for noble generals with treats like good commander also bit more bloody and a total settlement overhaul so you can build farms market ports and so bit like the style of Rt w i want a tree like this if it could for the romans:
roman general (calvary)/centurion/praetorian cohort/first cohort/early cohort/triarri/principes/hastati/roman skirmischers/peasants/wardogs
then the auxilla or support troops for castle protection low in upkeep: spear auxilla/archer auxilla/equites(lower roman calvary)/barbarian mercenaries/ and of course some siege equipment catapults/scorpions (fast shooting heavy bolts) and last but not least
incediary-pigs with oil and burning send them in to battle and create lots of damage on the enemy good +burning arrows
just some ideas factions like gauls/ brittania/ spain/ greek cities/macedonie/numidia/dacia/germania/carthage/egypte/ some roman factions/julli/scippi/brutti/ hope some one can make it for warband or mount and blade !!!!and when you start the battle press u for calling Roma Victor and for the babarians is the warcry too get bit of boost in morale
and for the babarians painted druids also eliphants for cartage and special elite units that can kill the eliphants quickly i already seen them mount and blade but not yet the eliphants
and also shield bash for all of course
i love to a see a cohort do a heavy shield bash enemy falls then quick trow a spear to the enemy is
roman general (calvary)/centurion/praetorian cohort/first cohort/early cohort/triarri/principes/hastati/roman skirmischers/peasants/wardogs
then the auxilla or support troops for castle protection low in upkeep: spear auxilla/archer auxilla/equites(lower roman calvary)/barbarian mercenaries/ and of course some siege equipment catapults/scorpions (fast shooting heavy bolts) and last but not least
incediary-pigs with oil and burning send them in to battle and create lots of damage on the enemy good +burning arrows
just some ideas factions like gauls/ brittania/ spain/ greek cities/macedonie/numidia/dacia/germania/carthage/egypte/ some roman factions/julli/scippi/brutti/ hope some one can make it for warband or mount and blade !!!!and when you start the battle press u for calling Roma Victor and for the babarians is the warcry too get bit of boost in morale
and for the babarians painted druids also eliphants for cartage and special elite units that can kill the eliphants quickly i already seen them mount and blade but not yet the eliphants