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Grandmaster Knight
Well the problem I have with the jumping as it is, is that you jump too high too slow, while managing to look like a jackass. What I suggest is that the current jump is replaced by one like the barbarian has in Severance. And the dodge attack should be included. If anyone has fraps or a similar program and Severance, could they make a short video showing these? I can't really describe them that well. If no-one will do this for me, I'll draw something obscure with Paint.
I guess its because while jumping, the character's leg doesnt really bend much, rather curl abit. And while in the air, his stance looks like when on the ground.

But on a side note, since we're on similar topic, i tried to jump up, and while falling back, do a downward slash with my double bladed axe. Shouldnt it do more damage?
I like the idea of keeping MB simple and weapon oriented so there isn't a lot of comboing/special moves/etc. there isn't much point in jumping rigfht now except to pull off some cheap dodges while moving backwards. It should have a purpose, be removed, or at least look cool.
WHen I first played Ranbow 6, I was surprised at the lack of jump, but after playing a bit I realized its just not needed in a realistic game.

To be honest, I was surprised there was a jumm in M&B at all. I really don't see the need. This isn't quake, you're not dodging splash damage, or rocket jumping to the all important quad. I just don't think the physics or moventent is refined enough to have a worthwhile jump.

Having said that, options are always welcome, and a choice is always getting than none.
quixotecoyote said:
I like the idea of keeping MB simple and weapon oriented so there isn't a lot of comboing/special moves/etc. there isn't much point in jumping rigfht now except to pull off some cheap dodges while moving backwards. It should have a purpose, be removed, or at least look cool.

Yeah. What I'm proposing is turning the jump into, basically, a dodge. Nothing fancy. NOT special moves. The one I mentioned, the one the barbarian does in Severance, is one that anyone with the ability to use his/her legs is capable of.
i guess so. It would jsut be a bit harder. There would be any dodges sideways or commando rolls and that would most likely unballance you and make you fall over.
The plate armor they used, AFAIK, weighed surprisingly little. Supposedly you were able to do cartwheels and such while wearing full platemail. But the dodges I mean are like half jump, half long sidestep. Here's a crappy Paint made picture that is meant to explain it:


EDIT: The text in the last panel is an inside joke that people who watched Team America: World Police will get. Possibly.
I think that the jump when you're on a horse should stay, because that has actual tactical uses. E.g., you can jump over a low obstacle, or you can try to jump across a stream. You can also jump off a cliff and wound your horse, so... yeah, it should stay.

Jumping on foot I agree is useless as it is, unless you either want to do a hobbit impersonation by singing and dancing on a table in the tavern, or you want to simply end it all by leaping off a cliff to your death. Turning it into a hop/sidestep type move would be awsome, though. Very handy for when you're trying to bear down on that archer who's 100 yards away and pelting you with arrows that have already destroyed your shield.

If not, then at least the animation can be improved. You can't jump without first lowering your center of gravity so you can actually launch into the air; likewise, when you land, you have to bend your knees to absorb the impact. My suggestion would be to have the player press down the spacebar to lower himself, then release to actually jump -- that way, they can still control exactly when the jump occurs while preventing them from jumping instantly (which isn't physically possible anyway).
As expressed before on a long, but interesting, research web site on Ye Olde Culture, Arms N' Shiz(e) that is in one of the suggestion stickies, Worbah's right about the plate.

It says that a fighter in that armor could indeed do cartwheels, leap straight from the ground, and even sprint for little bit. If armor was so crappy as to make you trip on your own boot, then they would stick with good old mail. So yeah; the game is realistic by allowing you to jump, etc. while packing the black armor.
You still need lots of endurance to be able to fight long enough to not look like a pansy in that armor, though. But it doesn't matter, since everyone was trained from childhood to do this crap. There's some stuff that limits movement, not weight, but the plate itself. Some plate armor, like the "Milanese" (I don't know either) design are heavier and have big pauldrons, which prevent you from moving your freakin' shoulder a bit. Others like the German design let you move around a lot like an unarmored guy, but the loss of the big-arse pauldrons means lower shoulder and a bit of lighter rib protection. That stuff is much thinner than we think (but it's still able to protect you from, like, all cuts), plus they do this stuff for exactly one childhood, so yeah. Even weapons weighed not much more than 4 pounds. Any retarded model sword you have that weighs like 16 pounds would be a bit of an awkward swing.

If anyone says I'm ever not detailed enough in my posts, he's going straight to hell, because he's a freaking liar.

And yeah, the horse jump is pretty nifty, since you can kill people by leaping off of a hill and cr-r-r-r-rushink their heeed! And jump over some pike-wielding wankers, I guess.
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