Joystick Support

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I dont have a "joystick" exactly, its just a regular Game controller, but I think it would be great to use for in combat. I would greatly appreciate some sort of support for a controller for combat.

I use an X-Box controller so it has them analog sticks for steering and all. Is this a possibility? Ever?
probably not, would probably require lots of coding...

but here are your basic commands for a PS2 controller on M&B.

Left Analog Stick - Movement
Right Analog Stick - View Control

X Button - Stab
Circle Button - Swing from Right to Left
Square Button - Swing from Left to Right
Triangle Button - Overhead Swing

R2 Button - Next Weapon
L2 Button - Previous Weapon

L1 Button - Zoom
R1 Button - Defend

lol that would actually work too. That's a perfect control setup... THAT PWNS!

omfg ARMAGAN! Once you've finished it, PUT M&B ON PS2!!! IT WOULD OWN!
Ya know what I would love to have a setup just like you mentioned... I have such a hard time controlling the type of swing I do on horseback... That would simplify things so much to use a ps2 style controller as an optional device....

Your control setup is perfect... nice job~!
I like PS2 games with good pre-set controls or the option to change the button mappings. That's why I'm playing the computer tons more than I used to... PS2 games used to come with a pre-set button mapping I didn't like, and you were stuck with it. Now I can customize it or at least pick a different pre-set one.
I like the xbox controller, but the ps2 is much sleeker and lighter in my hands.... the xbox controller feels so big. I don't dig the POV pot being between the two analogs.

And trust me it's not because I don't have big hands...

I've got a 10 step spread on a piano....
*runs out of forum, never to return*
I have been using a PS2 controller with M&B. All you need is the controller, an adapter, and a free program called JoyToKey.

I got my adapter from Radioshack for $10 US. I don't know if Radioshack also has one for an Xbox controller. However, I believe likk-sang has a complete range of adapters (slightly more expensive).

Also, I imagine any programmable controller could be used as well, Logitech makes one very similar to the PS2 controller.

The controller works very well in melee combat, I haven't used it so much for ranged, I need to tweak some stuff. (Now that I'm thinking about it, a Microsoft Sidewinder controller might be the ideal solution. I have one that hubby recently bought me [for $2 at a yard sale], and the manual says it is designed for precise aiming, but I haven't tried it yet - because it is a weird-looking thing, and like the other posters here, I wanted to use something familiar.)

I like Orion's suggested setup (mine is still based on turning the camera for the different weapon swings), but I'm not sure if it can be set up with JoyToKey.

I have used the same setup for Blade of Darkness (Severance).
i like games that control well. If you can't control your character for s***, the game is s***.

That's why I like M&B :smile: Easy to control... except for swingin weapons around =/
Duncan Frost said:
*runs out of forum, never to return*

I have an X-Box controller, but no X-Box :razz:

I have an Adapter, Controller, Set up Program and Drivers, M&B doesnt recocnise it though, neither does any game without an "Enable Joystick" Option.

Hey Armagan or someone, can ya at least say NO! :smile:
Cleitan - In addition to the software that comes with the adapter, you also need JoyToKey, which was developed so controllers can be used with games that do not support their use. Download it here:

Like I said, I am using a controller with M&B right now.
I need an adapter and this... JoyToKey thingy. I must play M&B with ps2 controller! Using my own setup :razz:

If possible I would save the setup file and then put it on the forums for other ps2 controller users to use :razz:

cause ppl lub my setup :smile:
Cleitan, of course the sticks work, all the buttons and triggers work. That's what the software that comes with the adapter is for. After you install it, go to Control Panel>Gamepads>Properties (I think), you can test the sticks and buttons from there. Make sure you press the Analog button on the controller, and that the LED is red.

Orion, sorry but your setup won't work, because of the way the different slashes are implemented in M&B. The camera directions are with respect to looking forward (to do a slash from right to left, you first look to the right of forward). With JoyToKey you can make the first attack, but there's no reference to what direction is "forward", so you must move the camera manually back, before making a different attack. I think it would require a key to re-center the camera behind your character (which would be handy anyway). But at present, although it can support some complicated functions, I don't think JoyToKey can do this now.

Here's the setup I'm using with a PS2 controller:

Left stick - Movement
Right stick - Look
Triangle - Charge
Circle - Hold
X - Action
Square - Follow
L1 - Zoom
L2 - Jump
R1 - Attack
R2 - Defend
D-pad Up - Mount
D-pad Down - Dismount
D-pad Left - Leave/Retreat
D-pad Right - Orders
Select - Next shield
Start - Next weapon

I haven't done it yet, but you could assign L3 or R3 (Button 11 or 12) for Rear Up Horse.

I haven't set up the Inventory, Character, etc. screens. This can be done by using L3 or R3 (whichever is still unused) as a Shift button in JTK, and then re-using some of the other buttons.

After setting everything up, you will need to tweak the stick settings (quite a few different ones in JTK) and mouse sensitivity in M&B to your liking. I don't think I have got it quite right for bow aiming, if someone can improve it, please post what you did.

Here's my M&B configuration file for JoyToKey. You must first Create a M&B file with JoyToKey, then you will replace the contents with my file. Copy my file into Notepad (unless you prefer to leave your browser open).

Open your jtk378en folder (the same folder should have an icon of a joystick in it). Open your M&B configuration file using Notepad. Delete the contents (if any) and copy and paste my file into it. SAVE.

[Joystick 1]
Axis1n=1, 41:00:00, 0
Axis1p=1, 44:00:00, 0
Axis2n=1, 57:00:00, 0
Axis2p=1, 53:00:00, 0
Axis3n=2, 0,-100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Axis3p=2, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Axis6n=2,-100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Axis6p=2, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
POV1-1=1, 34:00:00, 0
POV1-2=1, 4F:00:00, 0
POV1-3=1, 35:00:00, 0
POV1-4=1, 09:00:00, 0
Up- Left=0
Dn- Left=0
Button01=1, 33:00:00, 0
Button02=1, 31:00:00, 0
Button03=1, 46:00:00, 0
Button04=1, 32:00:00, 0
Button05=1, 20:00:00, 0
Button06=2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0
Button07=1, 10:00:00, 0
Button08=2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
Button09=1, DB:00:00, 0
Button10=1, DD:00:00, 0

If this doesn't work for you, please post the details of what you did, and I will try to help.
i was just saying what would be a good control setup for m&b, not a realistic one (took me 2 minutes to type that sentance because of this gay laptop :sad: makes typing hard)

Also, to add to my control scheme...

Up Arrow - Charge
Down Arrow - Hold Position
Left Arrow - Follow Me
Right Arrow - Mount/Dismount Horses

L3 - Mount/Dismont your horse
R3 - Jump

Start - Options, Save, etc.
Select - Brings up menu allowing you to access Party Screen, Inventory, etc.
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