Joining war parties

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It would be pretty cool if you could choose to join a war party and go on Crusade like missions :cool:
1) Make your posts more than 1 line :razz:

2) I like your idea. I think it would be cool if we could go up to a war party, talk to them, and click "Let me fight with you." You then are pulled around wherever they go, and you get in to all of the fights they do. If you want to leave the party, you click them again, and say "I must go" or w/e. This would be an easy way for a newby to gain some experience, if he didn't have his own army to fight with.
I have thought about this as well, and it would be feature I would like to see added. Would make joining a faction even more tempting for a new character.
Kind of like this idea too.

So you might get the chance to join a group of steppe bandits and go raiding with them? Perhaps you should have to fight one of their best fighters 1 v 1 in order to prove yourself.
This idea gives me enjoyment. In the earlier parts of the game, i think it would be better if you had to tag along with some other party and obey orders and such.

Having your own party could be a reward for later on in the game.
This has come up a few times before, but I don't think there was a separate thread about it.

Joining would be a good chance for new players to gain experience in real battles, without getting their butt kicked severely.

To leave a party, should we have to pay?

If the party loses, should we get taken prisoner? (Organize a prison break? Work in the salt mine?)
Good ideas usually come with few lines of writing, ideas of few lines of writing aren't always good. This is nice idea (and self explantory). Nothing revolutionary, but still nice.
I too fantasize about joining parties. I think with this extra option, one might find a better place to fit in during the beginning, and in the late game, it can prove to be a much different challenge than commanding 45 knights.

I think you should be able to join a troop, and get pay, based on level, or number of kills. Your pay should be part of some sort of contract, that if you breach it, and leave the troop early, you become a fugitive, or labeled a deserter.

This also might be an interesting way to move up the ranks to command your own troops, rather than command an army from the get go. Build up through promotions.

tell me what yall think
I like this idea. But after you join a party, you must trust the AI of this party. For example what if it wanders around in a meaningless pattern for a long time and you get bored or it decides to make a suicidal attack to a much stronger party. Will it visit the towns so that I can go smithy etc?. Well, since you dont know what will this party do, it brings some surprise factor and could be very nice in fact. And it will add a variety in combat since you will have to obey the orders of this group's commander and stick together with the soldiers of this party in combat (matching their speed etc.) instead of standard tactic of ordering your party to hold position and attacking solo. Also if I have my own party later in the game I should still be able to join larger parties with my own men acting as a sub-commander and managing my own men according to first commander's orders. For example he orders "me" to hold position and then I may or may not repeat his order to my own soldiers. This way I will have the option of disobedience and of course suffer the results after the combat.
dorni said:
If the party loses, should we get taken prisoner? (Organize a prison break? Work in the salt mine?)

I think that'd make a wicked sub-quest, having to try free yourself from working i the mines, maybe organise a slaves' revolt? But then there'd be no more cheap salt heh :\
i'm a grandmaster knight and i have no intention in joining parties they should join my party without cost!
AHA! So you would need to outrank the highest-ranking unit in the party to take command for yourself!
This works for me, especially if hero units such as lieutenants, captains, warchiefs, kahns and generals are added to M&B proper as they have been in the MAG7 mods. You'd have to be of insanely high rank to take command of a War Party -as it should be. As a mere knight, you could take charge of a scout group, or perhaps a battered patrol.

I predict foraging parties to become infinately more useful. :razz:
My 17 cents-

Make joining parties both a quest and an option when talking to parties of your faction. When you join a party, the AI automatically follows a nearby party on the map that is of about equal strength so that you get into combat for sure. Wandering around aimlessly and patrolling may be realistic, but by no means would it be fun.

Place commanding units in every group (as in the Mag7 mod), and if you outrank them, then in dialogue you should be given the option of taking control of that group (or serving with them if they outrank you). This should remain a seperate group which you cannot alter, so that building up your own army would still have to take a lot of your own effort. This would also give a lot more incentive to build up rank in your faction.

And finally, being a prisoner would be realistic, and working in the saltmines and having to break out would be cool the first, and possibly the second, time as well. However, imagine following this exact same sequence every time you lose a battle. And mining salt wouldn't even be that cool, unless it were like a foe that you had to attack with a pickaxe.
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