Joining an ally in a fight

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Sergeant at Arms
When you join in a fight you seem to take over the fight more or less and the allies are no where to be seen... I really think that the "allies" part of the battle should be equal to their, and your relative party sizes.
E.g. if you have a party of 10 and you join a fight where your allies have 50 fighters, then when you attack your ally should have 5 times as many fighters as you at any one time in the fight.
I'm tired of joining a fight between big war parties and having to fight the enemy with my pesants :???:
Then don't join in against them when you only have peasants.. haha.

Really, I'd like to see a new option when entering combat: Leave Party Behind. Meaning.. attack without your troops. That way, you can attack completely by yourself. A nice side-effect would be that you could join an existing battle with the existing troops, rather than bringing in your own.
You can do that if you walk around solo. That or just before the battle, get one of your heroes to take the rest of your army and wait.

One interesting aspect of joining an allies battle is that you get put in charge of all their units, even if they are a Swandain warparty with level 25 knights and you are a level 2 peasant. :lol:
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