Joining a Knighthood Order - Which is your favourite & fast ranking advice

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Sergeant at Arms
Ok, i want to join a KO!
There are many of them, which are your favourites and why?

I think Eventide is cool. Unfortunately it is impossible to gain (stable high) relationship afaik + in my game they don't spawn warbands no more. Even if, relationship is -40, how could anyone join their fights and help them out?? Additionally relationship resets to negative values by default. Nah, that sounds too messy to be worth the effort...

So my pick is Radiant Cross, for the ultra-rare armor they have - a lordy set is guaranteed as final reward. The champion horse is meh (dark silver warhorse), there are horses with better paintjobs out there.

Shadow Legion is very cool as well. They have superb stats, appealing armor and a strong horse.


I joined the Radiant Cross as a "Knight" (100 points) right away, and therefore missed out the seargent-armor-set reward at 30 points!
That's sad, and i guess i have to cheat them into my inventory.

I can do some quest for them to increase my rank. What would be the fastes way to get the final reward?
I don't feel like hunting rouge knights, as there is a kingdom waiting to be ruled.
Tournaments? Only when i get a guaranteed horse + lance (city of sarleon).
Killing Shadow Legions? No thanks, i like my 0 relationship with them. And i don't have any qualis to spare to buy me a +10 for each chapter i build.
So, can i gain 200 points just by doing the "renown quest"?
How do you speed through that KO-sidequest?
Ok, i want to join a KO!
There are many of them, which are your favourites and why?

Ebony gauntlet for sure. I love their gung-ho attitude and their nonchalant hostility towards the Noldor makes them the biggest badasses in Pendor by default. They're also extremely effective footsoldiers and archers and a pleasure to have on your side during sieges, shining in both offense and defense. Their sergeants are essentially decently armored mini-berserkers and can be very devastating, especially against cavalry. If you've ever played Native long enough to appreciate the power of Rhodok Sharpshooters, you'll love these guys.

I think Eventide is cool. Unfortunately it is impossible to gain (stable high) relationship afaik + in my game they don't spawn warbands no more. Even if, relationship is -40, how could anyone join their fights and help them out?? Additionally relationship resets to negative values by default. Nah, that sounds too messy to be worth the effort...

They do spawn warbands now and then, eventually you'll bump into one if you frequent Singal. You actually need to have less than -50 relationship with a faction before you lose the ability to join fights on their side (this is why you can still get on good terms with Heretics). Your relationship with KoE should work just like with any other order, with the exception of being able to gain and lose reputation points through heartbeat quests. If it reverts to negative for no reason it all, it's a bug!

Even if you just can't find a KoE party to lure into vanskerry or brigand spawning fields, you can always get one through a rival patrol quest. Knights of Falcon, Radiant Cross and Dawn all have a feud with Eventide (Falcons are actually hated by every single order that has a chapter in Pendor, poor girls just can't catch a break).

So my pick is Radiant Cross, for the ultra-rare armor they have - a lordy set is guaranteed as final reward. The champion horse is meh (dark silver warhorse), there are horses with better paintjobs out there.

A reasonable choice. It's pretty trivial to join and leave orders as you please though, in my current game I've been a member of Valkyries, Falcons, Radiant Cross, Clarion Call and I'm planning to join Ebony Gauntlet for good. Sure I'm hated by a handful of orders, but their parties are nothing more than bags of loot and rare equipment. I kept the ones you can easily gain relationship with through chapter-building on good terms with me though.

I joined the Radiant Cross as a "Knight" (100 points) right away, and therefore missed out the seargent-armor-set reward at 30 points!
That's sad, and i guess i have to cheat them into my inventory.

I think you join as knight if you're a king. You don't have to cheat for the armor though, Radiant Cross guys aren't going to miss one patrol too much (-5 relation).

I can do some quest for them to increase my rank. What would be the fastes way to get the final reward?
I don't feel like hunting rouge knights, as there is a kingdom waiting to be ruled.
Bounty quests give you 24 rank points (and 9 relation) if you get above 10,000 points though! Also, it's seems like a bug, but I get bounty points from sieging castles for some reason. I'm exploiting this a lot, because hunting Red Brotherhood parties for Ebony Gauntlet sucks. And don't Radiant Cross hate snake cult as well? If you can't be bothered with Rogue Knights, there should be plenty of Snake Cult parties around.

Tournaments? Only when i get a guaranteed horse + lance (city of sarleon).
Senderfall, Poinsbruk, Singal and Ishkoman have guaranteed horses (I think) and a chance at a lance. Even if you don't get a lance, you should be able to ride around in circles long enough to pick one up. Power draw and throw skills are a big help here, but you can try without. You only lose 3 relation and a bit of honor for failing this quest, who cares!

So, can i gain 200 points just by doing the "renown quest"?
You can, it will just take a while.

And don't forget rival quest! Easy 10 rank points right there.

Usually Silvermist Rangers, i like their looks and with 4-5 upgrades they can become useful.

Another way to gain rank points / relations is to go and hunt Snake Cult parties that have at least 1 Serpent Priestess in the party. In the loot screen you might get lucky and find the Snake Cult Rituals book, go then to the order chapter and talk to the knight about the book.

You can also get the Heretic Writings book from loot but from harder parties, Eyegrim and the Three Seeress.
Immortals as they were my go-to Knighthood order in earlier PoP. Bounty with Snake Cult can be pretty awesome due to the extreme amount of points defeating armies gives you. I think I once had over 100,00 points. Such quests are also a very effective way to power-level companions.

I am thinking of going Radiant Cross as well  due to me liking their armor in earlier PoP and going out of my way to loot it from Janos... Assuming a King actually creates the damn thing this game. Have absolutely zero intention of remaining in the order once I get the armor however.

I actually just started playing with Knighthood order quests in a new game. I didn't realize they were a new feature until I had already founded my CKO.
Correct me if i'm wrong, afaik it doesn't really matter which order you join - the impact on gameplay is always the same: a KO-castle is unlocked which provides armor upgrades, plus some KO patrols.

You get a set of KO armor as well, but this has no impact on gameplay and is more of cosmetic nature (but still awesome  :wink: ), and a number of KO troops, wich might be helpful in early stages.

Therefore the descision is simple, the KO with best equip wins, anything else is for the coolness-factor, right?

I'd like to see a Eventide-Castle with patrols, cuz Heretics are already oblitareted (as well as snakes & jatu), and they could use any help should they spawn a patrol sometimes (eventide joins fights; more info see this thread:,301909.15.html).

Silvermists are one of my favourites too, but their gear is the worst statwise. I guess their patrols should be the weakest, too.
Immortals are strong, and i would like to have them as personal bodyguards, as i'm wearing Imperator Marius torso armor "Immortal Primus-Armor". Unfortunately my kingdom-culture is pendor, and not empire, so i can't build chapters  :sad: I don't see why i should join them. Seems wrong to be grandmaster of a KO you cannot use ?! Being GM should unlock chapter-building!
Same goes for most other KO's - cool somehow, but they doesn't really matter and which one to join and giving them a castle is up to personal preference alone.  :cool:

Mmh, i'm going to experiment with Eventide relationship via rival-quest. If it works out they will get my support.

IlluminaZer0 said:
I am thinking of going Radiant Cross as well  due to me liking their armor in earlier PoP and going out of my way to loot it from Janos... Assuming a King actually creates the damn thing this game. Have absolutely zero intention of remaining in the order once I get the armor however.
The chest in Janos contains the helmet and body armor (Immortal Primus Armor) of Imperator Marius. I haven't found a Radiant Cross Armor anywhere, yet.
skullmasher said:
Silvermists are one of my favourites too, but their gear is the worst statwise. I guess their patrols should be the weakest, too.

You can send 3 patrols (each will be around 30-50 size) to patrol around a fief. Patrols are mainly to get rid of minor faction parties that annoy your villagers or caravans. Silvermists are not weak their levels and gear means that they can easily clean up outcasts/brigands/snakes etc.

Silvermists are also friends with the Noldor so they are safer when patrolling :smile:

Therefore the descision is simple, the KO with best equip wins, anything else is for the coolness-factor, right?

Not really, Shadow Legion with their 500 proficiencies can rip apart "cool equipped" troops :smile:

But in any case join an Order that can support your main army. If you are missing good mounted Knights then join a related Order. Also depends on your culture but Pendor has access to a lot of Orders.
Well, if only I had time to join an order.  :neutral:

My main problem is I´m too busy fighting off anyone and too greedy with my Qualis Gems in order to spend a single one founding a KotEG chapter for the nice and awesome Mettenheim Arbalest.
skullmasher said:
The chest in Janos contains the helmet and body armor (Immortal Primus Armor) of Imperator Marius. I haven't found a Radiant Cross Armor anywhere, yet.
Not in earlier versions of PoP. I believe this is before the Immortal Primus Armor even existed.
noosers said:
Well, if only I had time to join an order.  :neutral:

My main problem is I´m too busy fighting off anyone and too greedy with my Qualis Gems in order to spend a single one founding a KotEG chapter for the nice and awesome Mettenheim Arbalest.

I've gotten arbalest from Clarion Call guys, of all orders. I think you just need above 300 (or may be even 350) crossbow proficiency to qualify.
shoshuro said:
But in any case join an Order that can support your main army. If you are missing good mounted Knights then join a related Order. Also depends on your culture but Pendor has access to a lot of Orders.

Not sure what you mean, maybe i miss something. Joining an Order has no impact on gameplay. You won't even get access to their chapter, and hence can't recruit KO-troops.
I think you confuse joining a KO with building a chapter and recruitment.

reticentReciter said:
noosers said:
Well, if only I had time to join an order.  :neutral:

My main problem is I´m too busy fighting off anyone and too greedy with my Qualis Gems in order to spend a single one founding a KotEG chapter for the nice and awesome Mettenheim Arbalest.

I've gotten arbalest from Clarion Call guys, of all orders. I think you just need above 300 (or may be even 350) crossbow proficiency to qualify.

Do KotEG hand out an arbalest on top of armor? What has Clarion Call to do with arbalests (they use bows)? What's the deal with profincies?
Rangers of the Clarion Call cannot, nor will ever, give the loot option of an arbalest.

They do not carry it in their inventories and therefore it wouldn't be dropped by them.

Same with their Sergeants

KotEG do not drop them either. They only have siege xbows.

You don't need a certain proficiency to loot certain items, it only depends on your looting skill/other parties involved, all sorts of not fun sharing stuff.
skullmasher said:
shoshuro said:
But in any case join an Order that can support your main army. If you are missing good mounted Knights then join a related Order. Also depends on your culture but Pendor has access to a lot of Orders.

Not sure what you mean, maybe i miss something. Joining an Order has no impact on gameplay. You won't even get access to their chapter, and hence can't recruit KO-troops.
I think you confuse joining a KO with building a chapter and recruitment.

Well, you do get extra relationship with the order you join, what with tournament quests and all, so you can take advantage of that (higher relationship = lower prestige costs for order troops). You're right though, it doesn't actually matter what order you join and you can be very sneaky and powergamey about it and choose to join the order that you like killing most for loot, or even sergeant prisoners to man your walls (thanks to the infinite patrol option that opens up later). But that's hella lame, so you should just join Ebony Gauntlet like a normal person, because everything about those guys is amazing.

reticentReciter said:
noosers said:
Well, if only I had time to join an order.  :neutral:

My main problem is I´m too busy fighting off anyone and too greedy with my Qualis Gems in order to spend a single one founding a KotEG chapter for the nice and awesome Mettenheim Arbalest.

I've gotten arbalest from Clarion Call guys, of all orders. I think you just need above 300 (or may be even 350) crossbow proficiency to qualify.

Do KotEG hand out an arbalest on top of armor? What has Clarion Call to do with arbalests (they use bows)? What's the deal with profincies?

You get the arbalest upon reaching 300 (or may be 350) crossbow proficiency from any order that you're a member of, although you might have to meet some rank requirement as well. It's a one time reward, I think. Clarion Call (or KotEG for that matter) have nothing in particular to do with it, they just happened to be the order that I was a member of at the time. The order knight will mumble something about receiving an experimental weapon from Mettenheim and present you with the crossbow, if you pass the proficiency check.
I think the "Join-a-KO-Plotline" is an isolated feature. It is disconnected from the lively sandbox-environment, patrols the only means of interaction (not bad to be honest).
It is disconnected from the chapter-mechanics as well, as completing the plotline doesn't grant access to order-troops by any means.

I would like to see the option to hire a 'mercenary'-warband for 10.000 coins, being equal powerwise to the other generic mercenaries like barclay, unicorn-company etc.

As it is now, the whole "Join-a-KO-Plotline" could be replaced by a "Join-a-Craftsman-Guild-Plotline" (oh, good idea btw - they should upgrade weapons).

What i criticize is the lack of connection to that particular KO you affiliate with. The machanics are too abstract and lack enviromental manifestation.


I'm doing a renown quest for the last 20 days, and man, thats tough! Because my political situation doesn't offer enough foes to feed on. My kingdom is relatively weak (only 9 lords or so), thus i avoid quarrels with the more healthy factions. The only faction thats at war with me is the empire, or what is left of it (1 city, ~9 fiefless lords). They represent little snacks at best, with little renown value. I had to consume 2 of them per day to get my ratio of 12 renown per day (250 in total).
So i found myself hunting minor spawns like bandits for 0-2 renown each. Needless to say, this was depressing. Luckly there was a Mistmountain-Army roaming, which gave me maybe 30 renown at once - now they are destroyed as well. Eh, nevermind.
Still i couldn't reach the quota in time, only 5 days left, with a weekend-billing ahead, so i farmed rumors and savescumed until a peasant-revolt spawned (heretics where too tough for non-autocalc). Holy ****, next time i'm doing this quest only when i'm at war with a worthy opponent!  :grin:

Or you simply leave any troops but your companions behind and go out bandit hunting.

Mucho fun and reknwon AND loot to be gained from engaging Vankserries and Treasure Hunters with a stout party of 10. And your NPC companions will benefit greatly as well from all the XP and kills and wp they´ll earn.
You cannot change the composition of your party during reknown quests, except if you simply disband the knights and sergeants you were given, but then none will join you in the end.
I am new to PoP and more i read the more i am confused.I joined to KO (Immortals) and right now all i can do is building relation.As far as I understood FAQ and some manual is that i need to adapt to their culture in order to turn my Sarleon Knights into Immortals (Sarleon Kingdom lacks good infantry) and that can only be done if you are king ?Actually my question is what exactly are my benefits if i join a KO since so far except armor I don't see any huge advantage.
You don't change automatically are your own culture, with your own kingdom.

If you join a KO e.g. immortals, then you can only upgrade from Empire troops. If you join KO of the Lion, you can only upgrade from Sarleon Knights.
So if you are a lord of a different faction, it doesn't help.

Your CKO will automatically become the culture of your faction, switching faction will change the culture of your CKO automatically as well.

As king, you can decide on your faction culture, but you still need Empire troops to upgrade to Immortals. So choosing Fierdsvain culture as king, won't change the troop upgrade requirement of your KO (but it will if it's your CKO).

Benefits: Armor is pretty much a huge advantage, since you also get better armor versions with higher rank.
Also, KO troops will be friendly to you and help you out. And if you ever manage to become Grandmaster of the get big nice reward as well.
Doing some quests will also give you access to recruit Knights directly...
In order to raise immortals you need to own a janos (to gain access to further chapter-building elsewhere) + be part of the empire/have empire culture in case you are ruler.
You say you are vassal of sarleon (or maybe ruler of a sarleonite kingdom)?
Well, no luck then  :sad: get janos first and adapt from there on

The join-a-KO-plotline has NOTHING (!) to do with it - as absurd as thus might sound

It's still worthwile, as you get the ability to upgrade armor finally

noosers said:
Or you simply leave any troops but your companions behind and go out bandit hunting.

Mucho fun and reknwon AND loot to be gained from engaging Vankserries and Treasure Hunters with a stout party of 10. And your NPC companions will benefit greatly as well from all the XP and kills and wp they´ll earn.

I'm way beyond that already, man  :wink: I'm not lvl 1 anymore.
Just gimme a 1000-man-spawn and i'll deal with them somehow at one time. The scaling is just bad, and a setback in all regards. I feel weak/underemployed, like doing errants.
Rival quests might be the most efficient way to grind rankpoints, so i'll find a way to buy me relationship with orders and rotate them between the orders.
[quote author=Mr Cocksure]
I'm way beyond that already, man  :wink: I'm not lvl 1 anymore.

You aren´t. Otherwise you´ve had realised how looting actually works and how much awesome and good stuff you can acquire those small parties if you engage them with a little force and how benefical it will be for your comrades in arms.

The error I made was overlooking that you´re hunting down knighthood order rankpoints. Something I haven´t done yet as I feel content with my Pendor Foot Knights.
Ok, i'll mark your words and chase some rouge knights in my free time, when i'm not babysitting my lords  :wink:
I could use some noldor bows & runeswords to be honest.

On second thought i found a good reason for joing a ko:

Depending on your kingdom culture, there are plenty of KO's which woun't be accessible.
Joining a ko and doing the (reknown) quests offers the ability to aquire otherwise inaccessible ko-troops (knights).
This may also be prepared by building a desired chapter somewhere befor creating a kingdom and thus lose access afterwards.

E.g. I cant have immortals in my pendorian kingdom, but i can grind quests and get them this way

Btw, being am member is not a requirement for renown quest, which makes it even more simple

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