JohnathanStrange Fights The Undead!

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A free online text game in which people are recruited to fight zombies or with them.

You already know how I feel about zombies. They creep me out.

If you thought M&B needed some content, you should see UrbanDead.

Yet, I'm having some fun and that's all I'm looking for really.

So visit the site, and please, if you should see a live JohnStrange OO or a zombie JohnStrange OO: don't attack him. Horseman, ride by.
I shouldn't have said text based but there aren't any real graphics other than boxes representing buildings and streets. The text comes from "damage reports" and such.

It's not a game, I would think, that would necessarily appeal to many of the M&B crowd because it is very very an "in your own mind" type game: you have to supply the "drama." Still, I thought I'd mention it because who knows there may be a few people who'll be amused as I am by joining a really low-tech indie game where you hunt zombies, meet your fellow humans, and just hang out. The game recently has had several thousand new members and for a time the response time was slow to say the least, but now: no problemo.

I don't know why I'm enjoying it, but I am. Quite a few members of Octopus Overlords forum are there and so I have some backup already. i don't know why I like TheUndead but it's quick, easy and fun. And I can play it during one of my breaks at work.

powerg8 said:
Was just on there , didn't make much snse.
It's not for everyone.
Great concept to the game: thing that really sucks though is that it's not played in real time, but turn based 25 hour crap. If it wasn't for that, I'd more than likely would've stuck around.
Since I can play it for 5 minutes at a time and then go about the business of the day, I think it's pretty cool. It's not life-changing or monstrously addictive; just amusing, a pleasant diversion. If I'd paid $20 or so, I wouldn't be too impressed or happy, but for free? Yeah, it's good enough.

(Last night, we stopped a heavy zombie assault on the Police station I'm barricaded in. The question is: the zombie assaults seem to be getting better coordinated. And the scouts that went out for supplies never returned.)
Yah...I noticed that it thankfully had a typical 1 AP regeneration per half hour....that really saves the game. My impression was at first that you got 50 amount back every 25 hours in one go.
You're a police officer for one of the smaller Malton stations in the Greentown area, and had been drafted in along with the rest of your unit to help with the military-led evacuation of the city.

I'll play for a day or two anyways.
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