JecNES- The Change Years *Turn 7*

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Master Knight

Overveiw: This is a good chance for you to play out all those fantasies you have about ruling a medieval nation in the modern world. Wanna have Mongol Horse Archers running amok in England? How about basing your own nation around Rome? This is your chance

You are the Leader of a Post-Change kingdom/Country/Tribe, etc;. The game will start 6 years after The Change, so that while things like agriculture and herds will be running more or less smoothly, there are still large areas of unclaimed land and bands of Eaters (cannibals) and Bandits to contend with, along with animals released from zoos and nature reserves, some of whom have gone man-eater.

Turns: Each update will be one season long, though it will be open to change at the decision of the players. We will start in Autumn, so barring any sneaky shenanigans, that should give players two turns minimum of peace to get things going.

Countries: Countries are created by picking a region to base yourself in.  You will choose what your country is based on, either copying historical countries entirely or mixing different idea’s together. For example, the PPA was based on Normans, while the Bearkillers were a mix of Mongol horse archers and lancers, and a later renaissance pike and crossbow formation for infantry in terms of military. Both used a feudal base for their governments, though the PPA was a true kingdom, while the Bearkillers eveolved into a constitutional monarchy, where their Lord is elected by their A-Lister cavalry.
Your country can be based on whatever system you wish, though try to have a good reason for your decisions. An example would be from Clan Mackenzie, who had the luck of finding an ex-British soldier who knew how to make longbows and being led by a wiccan of Scottish descent, thus leading to them having a clan based government with an emphasis on longbows.

Your leader and their second in command will be your reasons for certain choices you make regarding your countries military,diplomatic and day to day life. If you want to have a theocracy for example, your leader would probably be strong in faith. If your country has amazing fortifications, you could have a combat engineer or history professor as justification.

Economy: The economy early on is based on a barter system, though coins are beginning to be minted, and so the economy will be represeanted using Trade Points. Yes, I realise the short form is TP. Live with it.

Settlements: Your original settlement will be largely defined by you. Will it be based off a country home, a small town, a university, a farm, or any sort of thing. Avoid settling in cities because that’s where the most death happened and the survivors avoided the cities because of the hungry hordes of refugees, cannibals, and sickness’ that inhabited the area. Each settlement will start with about 1000 people. Each settlement is self-sufficient in terms of food, and include a blacksmith shop, training grounds/barracks, and your leaders “palace”.
You may have additional settlements, but it will number only 500 people and will not have anything other than basic farms to support the population. This sort of settlement cost 8 TP's beofre the game starts, and will cost Construction Supplies, General Goods, and Food as well as TP to construct during the game.

Population: This is the max amount of people you have to do anything, including raise an army. However, given that there are children, seniors and those unfit to serve, you can only use 3/5 of the population for military purposes. Before the start of the game, 100 people can be added for 2 TP to any settlement. Population grows at +5% each turn, as people are born, others come of age, and people die off.

Trade Points: Everything has a cost in Trade points. Trade Points cover bartering, minted coins, and manpower in the case of construction or military. You gain a base number per turn, dependant on population (1TP for every 200 people), in addition to bonuses gained by things like minting your own coins, living in a prosperous trade zone( for example, living on a river) or other ideas that you can convince me gives you a resource boost.You start with 15 TP's to spend before the game begins, or you can save them.

Military: Like countries, this is largely defined by you. If you want to have a solid core of foot troops, lots of heavy cavalry, light skirmishers or whatever you want. Take into account your surroundings, and your leader and 2nd in commands type. Like Clan Mackenzie, the military is militia based and focuses on the longbow because of the Clannish setup, and the British longbowmaker. The Bearkillers are cavalry based because of the rancher they rescued early in the change. PPA is based on early medieval periods, with the mounted knight holding the most power on the battlefield.
In conflicts the type of troops, tactics, armour, weapons and experiences are all taken into account, as well as terrain, weather and the overall campaign goals.

Weather patterns are pretty much rainy all the bloody time :wink:

But actually, I'll try and find something reliable but it definately wouldn't hurt to do your own research
Application form:

Name of Country:
Leader: (include areasoning for choices they give, ex: Former rodeo rider turned rancher:reason to go heavy on cavalry )
Second in Command: (Reasoning, ex: Re-enactor, blacksmith
Settlements/Population:*Namofsettlement* 1000
Stockpiles: 10F/15TP/2MS/2CS/2L/5GG
Country History:
Country Military Style:

An example of a late game country would look something like this (say 30 years from now):
Name of Country: Rhineland Empire
Leader: Maximillion Stahdburg, Medieval History professor, specialising in English history
Second in Command: Gisela Schroeder, Former Re-enactor
Settlements/Population: Rhineburg(8400), Karlston (3000) Fort Teutoburg(2500) Port Ostsee(4200)
Settlements/Production: Rhineburg(60/42/8/3/1/5) Karlston (40/15/5/10/0/7) Fort Teutoburg(32/12/20/3/0/4) Port Ostsee(80/21/5/10/6/15)
Country History: After the Change, Maximillion ran into a large group of Re-enactors who had successfully managed to establish a position in the valuable farmland along the Rhine. With his knowledge and their experience at this style of warfare they carved out a small kingdom, despite the large bands of Eaters who streamed out from the cities. As time went on, more and more people trickled in and the second settlement of Karlston was founded. Over time the Empire expanded north, conquering or assimilating smaller kingdoms as they went. Fort Teutogurg was founded as the major military headquarters, where all the major campaign decisions were made. Finally, at the North Sea, they founded a fourth settlement and started a large shipbuilding operation, where they began trading for foreign luxuries all over the world.
Military Style: Early skirmishes were done mostly by the Re-enactors, who proved to be very succesful in this type of one on one battle. Later on, when the Empire gained more and more people, they were organised into a system resembling Englands military around the time of Alfred the Great, where a large number of the "soldiers" were just well trained militiamen and women, and the HausTruppe were the military elite though small in number. Using the shield wall almost extensively, along with a small contigent of mounted scouts they were able to conquor many of the smaller kingdoms that had grown up around them. (English shield wall set up, Fyrd are population trained to fight, HausTruppe are the real soldiers)
Example Soldiers:
Fyrd: Militiamen who are called up when their home county is threatened. Armed with a spear as well as small hand axe. Armoured in a mail hauberk, nasel helm, knee boots with strips of iron sewn into them. Oval shaped shield
Cost: 2 TP, 3 MS, 4 turns(can be rushed if desperately needed, but morale will suffer). Upkeep: 1 MS. Size: 100
Will suffer Moral penalties if in the field for more than a year, or if they go on a foreign invasion.

HausTruppe: Full time soldiers who are always on call. Armed with spear, sword and seax. Armoured in breastplate, mail leggings/arm covering. Kettle helm with nasal bar. Large oval shaped shield.
Cost: 5 TP, 5 MS, 6 turns, permenantly removed from working population(no longer used to determine TP generation, as they no longer work) Upkeep: 3 MS Size:100

Angeboter: Mounted scouts, light cavalry, professional troops. Armed with lance and sword. Armoured in light leather breastplate, nasal helm, small kite shield. Mounted on light, quick horses.
Cost: 3 TP, 4 MS, 5 turns, permanantly removed from working pop. Upkeep:3 MS Size: 50

When you PM me your orders, just tell me in whatever form you choose (point form, paragraph, that sort of thing). It would be helpful to let me know by Wedensday if you want to be building anything, so we can discuss time and cost, though final orders are not due until Thursday

Military conflicts: I will contact the involved parties and tell them what thier side knows of the enemy (numbers, types, formation) and I will wait for your orders. If you wish to parlay, then contact each other via PM, and let me know about the results. If you are going to fight, send me your orders for the battle. This can be in any format you wish and cover any details you can think of. Hopefully I'll be able to put together an epic battle that will be fought. You'll get to see the results of your cunning plans and sneaky tactics in the next update.
Resources can be bought before the official start at 1 TP for 1 Resource.

Food(F): General foodstuffs, required for feeding your people. Each unit is enough to feed 100 people(Nearest Decimal). You can produce food equal to your needs times 1.5. So right off the bat you can produce 15 units of food. This is because there is simply not enough people to work all the land
Military Supplies(MS): Swords, bows, arrows, horses, etc;, everything that applies to raising, maintaining and campaigning with armies.
Construction Supplies(CS): Concrete, rebar, timber. Everything used in building houses, shops, forts, etc;
Luxuries(L): Exotic foods like coffee, rice, preserved fruits. Things that are not being produced in your country and are difficult to trade for.
General Goods(GG): Farming supplies, clothing, basic goods like that

Military units:sad:Please PM me your military details, and we can work out statistics for them)
Military units are made over the course of several turns after the order to raise them is sent in, represeanting the time taken to train and equip the soldiers. This will cost TP's and Military Supplies to do. They will require an additional upkeep in the form of Military Supplies as well in the turns following. This represeants weapons, ammo, armour, horses and the things that are required to keep the troops moving. Each unit has it's own cost

Units can be purchased before start of the game, but you must add the TP cost and the MS cost together for the final TP cost, as well as it will subtract from your original group of settlers

Small note comparing the different varieties of troops:
Militia of any sort: Not as well trained or equipped (usually) than professionals, they take less time to train, and will continue to work, producing TP's, food and other valuable resources. They are best used defensively, since they will fight hard to defend their lands, but they will not be used to long campaigns.

Professionals: Better equiped and better trained than the militia, they take longer to train and are more expensive to equip. However they excel at fighting and have none moral penalties for long campaigns (other than long campaigns that is, nobody likes to be out in the cold forever) that the militia do. However, they are taken out of the working population and can no longer be used to calculate revenue gained from settlements.

Mounted anything: Either militia or professionals on a horse, this adds to the training time and upkeep cost, since each warrior needs at least 2-3 horses and needs to maintain them. However they have a large bonus on the battlefield, either as powerful shock troops or nimble hit and run skirmishers.
Enforcers:razz:rofessional crowd control. Armed with oaken club with exposed screw points, spears and a large tower shield. Armored with halfhelms, brigindine, with plate on the arms and thighs.(Devercia)
Cost: 3 TP 3 MS, 4 turns
Upkeep: 2MS
Size: 50

Rangers:razz:rofessional mounted patrolmen. Armed with a lightlance, net, kiteshield and an oaken club with exposed screw points. Armored in brigindine, greaves, and full helms.(Devercia)
Cost: 4 TP 4MS 5 Turns
Upkeep: 3 MS
Size: 25

Crossbows:razz:art-time Reserves. Armed with a crossbow, club, and a very small pavice. Armored with a halfhelm and a jack with jack chains. (Devercia)
Cost: 3 TP, 2 MS and 2 turns
Upkeep: 1 MS
Size: 100

Dale Cavalry: (Sushiman)
Semi professional cavalry force, armed with a lance, a shield, and a cudgel. Armoured with a helmet and a coat of plates. These troops serve as peace keepers in Ebor and the surrounding area. They serve in squads of 30.
Cost: 4 TP, 5 MS, 4 Turns
Upkeep: 2 MS

Reformed 8th Battalion: (Sushiman)
A professional unit of elite skirmishers, taking it's name from the old Territorial army battalion barracked in york. Armed with Longbows and short swords or knives. Armoured in leather tunics or jack. They work in squads of ten men.
Cost 3 TP, 3 MS, 2 turns
Upkeep: 1 MS

Garda: (Tuckles)
The garda makes up the bulk of the Thamesland fighting force. They are the militia who keep watch over the settlements and fight off intruders if need be. Their weapon of choice is the axe, be it bearded, double-bladed or  broad axe. Their other signature piece of equipment is the  Wee Crinskey, a tiny metal buckler used for parrying. They wear little armor: most gardai go into battle with little more than their axe, shield and a jerkin.
Cost: 3TP, 2MS, 3 turns, Upkeep: 1MS, Size: 90

Mariner: (Tuckles)
A cursed immortal sailor that wears an albatross round his neck. That is the symbol of the mariners. They are the highly organized amphibious soldiers of Thamesland. Known as cowards by their many enemies because they never sacrifice men for foolhardy missions. They are trained in the use of boarding hooks, with the leader of the platoon wielding a special hook-scythe shaped like a gull (because they have never seen real albatrosses) colloquially known as a gullhook. The mariners are expert sailors and can traverse the strongest rapids in the River Thames. They are also the marksmen of Thamesland, being skilled with the Javelin. They go into battle with their hooks, javelins and knives, wearing only the shirts on their backs (and their pants you perv).
Cost: 2TP, 3MS, 5 turns, Upkeep: 2MS, Size: 100

The Thameschoice are the best men from both Garda and Mariner wings. Only the men who can swim up the Abingdon dam, reclaim their weapons and survive the ordeal are worthy of the title. They wear fourth-plates: jerkins with metal plates around the upper half of the chest, which do not inhibit movement and are light enough to swim in. They wield Grand Crinskeys, much larger wooden versions of the Garda's Crinskeys, which can be used as light rafts if the need arises. Their weapons are varied: from shortened hooks to bearded axes, but needless to say, each and every one of the Tameschoice knows how to use them in tandem with the other.
Cost: 2TP, 2MS, 1Turn, 1 other unit, Upkeep: 2MS, Size: 50

The Century: (TDM)
Professional full-time soldiers from pre-Change, heavy infantry. Armed with Gladii and Scutum in direct imitation of the classic Roman legionaries, and armored in scale or chain mail, greaves, vambraces, and a crested galea with a face mask for intimidation. Used in very close combat, and as an elite assault force. (80 Men)
Cost: 4 TP 4 MS 5 Turns
Upkeep: 2 MS

Auxilia/Hastati: (TDM)
Part-time soldiers drawn from civilian population, given adequate training upon conscription. Armed with spears and round shields typical of the Late Empire, and a bayonet or dagger as a backup. Typically armored in linothorax and a Montefortino helmet. (100 Men)
Cost: 3 TP 2 MS 3 Turns
Upkeep: 1 MS

Protelarii: (TDM)
Skirmisher militia, very little training. Armed with a set of 4 javelins, a wicker buckler, and a dagger. Armor ranges from padded cloth and woven shirts to nothing, occasionally a metal cap. Used as screens and for harassment on the flanks. (90 Men)
Cost: 1 TP 2 MS 2 Turns
Upkeep: 1 MS

Equites: (TDM)
Aristocratic cavalry, very limited numbers. Full armored in scale or chain mail with ornate plumed helmets in pitched battle, or lighter linen or leather linothorax while on patrol or raiding. Armed with very long lances and spathas. Used primarily for running down fleeing infantry, bodyguards for commanders during battle, harassing supply lines, or long range scouting.      (30 Men)
Cost: 5 TP 5 MS 6 Turns
Upkeep: 3 MS

Spearman: Militia anti Cav and defense.
Armed with Iron spears and a shield.
Armored with Half mail (mail on the shoulders and chest, with some on the helmet.
Cost: 3 TP,4 MS and 3 turns
upkeep: 2 MS
Size: 100

Bowman: Militia archer.
Armed with short bow,
armoured with leather or linen.
Cost 3TP, 2 MS and 2 turns
Upkeep: 1 MS
Size 100

Armed:Short sword
Armoured:Leather, with irregular peices of mail
Cost 4 TP 3 MS 3 Turns
size: 75
Upkeep:3 MS

Proffesional Swordsmen
Armed: longsword
Armoured: Mail coats, Shields, helmets
Cost: 4 TP 4 MS 4 turns
size 50
Upkeep: 4MS

Proffesional spearmen:
Armed: Steel spears, short swords
Armoured: mail, helmet, Board shield
Cost: 4 TP 3 MS 5 Turns
Size: 100
Upkeep: 3 MS

Armed: greatswords, short swords
Armoured: full plate
Cost: 5 TP 5 MS 6 turns
Size: 25
Upkeep: 4 MS
In Great Britain, the royal family and others were evacuated to the Isle of Wight to protect them from the starving rioters of the cities. Resettlement later began from Wight and other islands, and farmland was reestablished in England and continental Europe. Contact was made with other parts of the world, including Iceland, which removed a substantial portion of its population to Britain in order to survive. Gibraltar, Ulster, and Prince Edward Island all survived and swore loyalty to the British government; along with the new British colonies in Europe and North Africa, this led to a rebirth of the British Empire. Tasmania and New Zealand also recognized British sovereignty, but due to distance, this was only a symbolic gesture.

Update 6
Name of Country: The Republic of Snowdonia
Leader: Dafyd Price, former Police Detective
Second in Command: Cedric Lewys, former Mechanical Engineer
Settlements/Population:Cryftwr 1650 Barbarian Fort: 183 (self-sufficient food production)
Stockpiles: 16.4F/18TP/9MS/7CS/2L/10GG
2 unit Enforcers (100 Men, -4 MS/turn)
1 unit Crossbowmen(100 Men, -1MS/turn)
Irish Mercenaries(50 Men, -1MS/turn, -1TP/turn) (Ireland)
1 Unit Barbarian Recruits(-2 MS/turn) (Ireland)
1 Unit Rangers (-25 Men, -4TP, -0MS, 2 Turns left)
2 units crossbows (-6TP, -4MS, 2 turns remaining)
Citadel (-8 CS, -4GG, -4MS, 2 turns remaining)
Fishing Wharfs (-5 GG, -3TP, 2 turns remaining)

Lands End Paladins:
Name: Land's end Paladins
Leader: Leonal Shepard: Former drill sergant, believes in discipline (think a british Lezalit)
Second: None (can be appointed from survivors)
Settlements/population: Lands End MkII 606
Settlements/resources:Land's End Refugees 5/3/1/1/0/2
Stockpiles: 1.3F/5TP/1MS/1CS/0L/8GG
1 Unit Militia Spearmen
Basic Walls (Wooden palisade)

Eborian Grand Duchy
Name of Country: Eborian Grand Duchy
Leader:  William Jameson, ex Stone Mason, YORKS, 4th Battalion (Territorial)
Second in Command: John Hargreaves, ex Metalworker
Settlements/Population:Ebor, 1284, Hull 220
Stockpiles: 4.2F/5TP/1MS/6CS/4L/14GG
2 unit Dale Cavalry (-4 MS/turn, Men can continue to work if not needed)
1 unit Reformed 8th Battalion (-10 Men, -1 MS/turn)
1 unit Scottish Pikemen. (-2 MS/turn)
1 unit Militia Skirmishers (1 turns left)
Re-enforced walls (Concrete reinforced with railway trak)

Name of Country: Thamesland
Leader: Tim McLeary, Merchant captain turned Ferryman
Second in Command: Melissa Hodges, Historian
Settlements/Population: Andersey-on-Thames, 1428
Settlements/Production: Andersey-on-Thames/11/9.5/8/2/.5/1
Stockpiles: 9.7F/19TP/0MS/8CS/5.5L/13GG
2 unit Mariners (-200 Men, -2MS/turn)
5 unit Garda (-5MS/turn)
1 Unit Demi Lancers (100 Men, -3MS)
1 Medium river boat (Carries up to 150 Men plus supplies)
1 River boat (under construction, -3TP, - 1CS, -1 GG, 2 Turns remaining)

Wight Supremacy
Tiberius Decimus Maximus
Name of Country: The Wight Supremacy
Leader: James von Kriemhild, Former Captain in the 4th Infantry Division
Second-in-Command: Jules Mercurio, former super-nationalist, shop assistant
Settlements/Population: Cowes, 1761
Settlements/Production: Cowes/15/7/5/2/0/1
Stockpiles: 4.5F/2TP/0MS/0CS/3L/0GG
1 unit Century (80 Men, -2 MS/turn)
Downeaster Alexa (Quingmarine, -80 Men, -2MS/turn, -2TP/turn)
2 unit Hastati (-2MS/turn)
1 unit Protelarii (-1 MS/turn)
1 unit Hastati (-3TP, -2MS, 1 turns remaining)
3 Yachts
Iberiana Army en route to Cowes (1 Turns)
1 Catapult (made of wood)
1 Modern Scorpion prototype ( High powered)
6 Scorpions( 1 turn)
I am assuming this is still under construction, but you need to define setting scale. Global, national, regional, local, etc. You mentioned Ontario...
Although I like the seclusion of Ontario, it seems quite monobiomic. Tundra and taiga. The proliferation of lakes also makes it damn near impossible to find a river. Options seem somewhat limited.

I might suggest a rural area with a lot of biodiversity. I have not read the books, but the oklahoma/arkasas/misouri area fits the bill. Rural, with a lot of biome changes. Not suggesting it for some local pride or what not, merely familiarity. There are low-mountains, hills, forests, large rivers, large lakes, swamps, prairies, and so on in an area an 8th the size of Ontario. The only real issue is there a handful of mid-sized cities in the area, but lots of farmland/wilderness.

Not sure why S Missouri is considered a death zone, or what the Red Hill Refuge is.
Yeah, I suppose your right there. Actually hought about having it set in Northern Alberta, but then realsised everyone would be dead after a couple of winters.

Or we could just go to europe, and damn the canon.
Sushiman said:
I'll take London, then, as Google has reliably informed me that it has been transplanted into southern Canada.

:lol:, ****, the foreigners are learning. We used to have a Berlin too, replaced it with Kitchener.

I don't get how PEI be in the same empire as Ulster if they're across the ****ing ocean. Sure we have sailing boats, but try transporting troops or tribute on those.

Anyway, sounds like a lot of fun. Europe would be a good choice, damn my pride.
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