Javby: Warband Rugby | 1.4.2 Released!

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This is great! Can't wait to play matches on this format :razz:
Erminas said:
In short:
Cav are the fastest.
Inf have most HP & deal more damage, but are slow.
Rangers can throw javelin far and have better throwing accuracy.
I suggest adding this info to the welcome message as well.

It is suuuuuper fun!!!!!!!

However, I need to point some things:
- you should lower the speed (running speed) of the player that is having 'the ball', so more teamwork will be required to score a point (i saw lots of player running straight to score the ball; the other players can't catch that player)
- add barriers to prevent players from going back to spawn
- prevent players from throwing the javelin outside the playfield or high on the walls (maybe do a check for height in ti_on_missile_hit; if the javelins lands higher than 1.8 meters above the ground, give the ball to a player from the opposite team? (I don't know rugby rules, just a suggestion; why 1.8 meters? because the javelin is allowed to hit players; the default agent's height is somewhere near 1.8 meters)); actually it is not 1.8, it should be higher because the player could jump and get hit while jumping, making the highest allowable height bigger.
- remove the items that drops on ground when players quits the server (actually when the player dies, he drops his club/maul)
- make all factions to be equal in terms of the classes's powers. I chose horseman each time because it is the fastest, but I've seen players outrunning me (I was running behind him and the distance between me and him was getting bigger and bigger; I had the club in my hand and he had the javelin)
Thanks everyone for their posts! Thanks Alene for cleaning it up as well, I appreciate it.

The_dragon said:
However, I need to point some things:
- you should lower the speed (running speed) of the player that is having 'the ball', so more teamwork will be required to score a point (i saw lots of player running straight to score the ball; the other players can't catch that player)
- add barriers to prevent players from going back to spawn
- prevent players from throwing the javelin outside the playfield or high on the walls (maybe do a check for height in ti_on_missile_hit; if the javelins lands higher than 1.8 meters above the ground, give the ball to a player from the opposite team? (I don't know rugby rules, just a suggestion; why 1.8 meters? because the javelin is allowed to hit players; the default agent's height is somewhere near 1.8 meters)); actually it is not 1.8, it should be higher because the player could jump and get hit while jumping, making the highest allowable height bigger.
- remove the items that drops on ground when players quits the server (actually when the player dies, he drops his club/maul)
- make all factions to be equal in terms of the classes's powers. I chose horseman each time because it is the fastest, but I've seen players outrunning me (I was running behind him and the distance between me and him was getting bigger and bigger; I had the club in my hand and he had the javelin)

Wow, thanks for the suggestions! Let me answer them:
[list type=decimal]
[*]I have lowered the speed of the person carrying the javelin by increasing its weight, you'll see a difference in 1.2.1, hopefully.
[*]In 1.2.1, when someone spawns, they spawn at their rival's flag. I'm not sure if that will completely solve the problem, but I could add a barrier just in case.
[*]I have a plan for this, but I'm not sure if it will make it into 1.2.1 or if it will be in 1.3.0. It depends how long it takes me to implement my idea.
[*]Yep, this is something I completely forgot to consider. I will fix it in 1.2.1.
[*]All factions should be equal in their troops. Unfortunately, some of the speed depends on momentum, so if someone of the same class starts running before you do, you probably won't catch them. However, if they have javelin, you should catch them, no problem.

Again, thank you for taking the time to post suggestions. 1.2.1 should be finished later today and uploaded to the server.

Snazzelicious said:
Do you have to sign up or can you just come to the event (and if you don't like it can you leave)?

You can just join the server to play. Right now, there isn't an event scheduled, but we're trying to get one started to celebrate DoF's 6th birthday on the 27th.
So I have some good news! I think I'm close to enforcing bounds, a little different than I thought it was going to be, but I'm close. I may be able to finish 1.3.0 tonight and release it. However, if I can't release 1.3.0 tonight, I will definitely release 1.2.1.
Danate said:
Blue javs allowed?

Looks fun!

Eh, I've been thinking if I should allow jav modifications, especially when it comes to tournaments, but I haven't decided what the answer to that is. Let's just say there is a possibility that we will allow jav modifications in this mod, but we'll have to wait until official rules are released to find out.
Very fun game mode; but when the servers really fill up it turns from some semblance of a game with strategy to a bloody scrum in which whoever picks up the jav is swarmed by 10 bloody, naked men with clubs before they can get off a throw and the jav slowly moves towards one or the other goal
so just like real rugby
Thanks for the comments everyone!

So, I didn't announce this yet, but 1.2.1 is out! Currently, it's only on the Javby_Official_NYC but soon it will be on DoF_Javelin_Rugby.

1.2.1 changed the map (deleted the clubs on the table) and made it so that you spawn at your rival's flag instead of the start area.
Really fun game!

My only issue is the way you can cross the end zone without actually scoring. Making the goal line shorter horizontally would fix this problem.
Ebdanian Admiral said:
Really fun game!

My only issue is the way you can cross the end zone without actually scoring. Making the goal line shorter horizontally would fix this problem.

Yeah, you still have to be pretty close to the flag to score. Right now its 3 meters. The problem is that its actually a circle to score, not a square. I hope to fix that in version 1.3.0, along with defining the boundaries.
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