dude you got it all wrong!
1.) Were nothing at all (sell all armour or dont were it) and get a heavy double bladed axe (oh what fun

2.) Order you'r men to attack if you sh*t scared
3.) Repeat steps 3-6 in the pervious post
4.) Find a battlefield with water
5.) Go to water so horses slow down (if you are versing any horses)
6.) Take that axe and swing
7.) And again
8.) Try going for the head
9.) Still not dead? Swing at the body
10.) OK Now its getting annoying, get a throwible axe and implant it in his head
11.) Either im drunk or that guy still hits you
12.) Fire a bolt at him
13.) Throw jardin
14.) Throw stones
15.) Oh I see the problem now, its Borcha! I give him black armour (because when you are good like me you were things that look good

make yourelf look like a mysterious warrior.
Oh Ye now for the real tactic (that wasnt just it?!) Do what it says in step 1 and verse weak people then getting stronger, if you can win battles wereing no armour then you could easly take a dark night or black khergit rider on!