Jail breaking bugs?

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Sergeant at Arms
I've encountered a few jail breaking-related bugs in 1.132.  Just want to see if anyone else's experienced this before I post it to the bug tracker.

Firstly, in several castles, mostly in the Nord-Swadia region, where prisoners stand behind bars instead of in the open, I was unable to talk to them.  This does not occur in all barred jails.

Secondly, sometimes when I start a battle with a prison guard, the whole town will go crazy and start attacking each other.  If I then proceed to enter the jail and break out the prisoner, the prisoner will start attacking me as well once I go back to the town map.  This of course makes it impossible to break them out, since the "battle" won't end until I kill them as well.

This last bug persist if I load an earlier game, but it fixes itself if I quit and restart the game.
Lords behind bars can be annoying, but all of them can be talked to, you just need to find the exact right position for yourself. And the hostile prisoner bug has been long discussed and, indeed, you have found the  only way out of it. Save before attempting the rescue, if the prisoner is hostile, quit without saving, exit to desktop and reload the save. And yes its amusing when you get the message, "Guild Master killed by prison guard."
Hmm, I don't know.  Some lords behind bars can be talked to without problem, but the inaccessible ones didn't seem talkable at all... guess I'll try harder next time.

Then I suppose the second bug is already on the bug tracker?  I did do a search, but didn't find anything similar.  It's much more amusing to see "Prison Guard killed by Weaponsmith".  Once I almost saw the entire Khergit guard force killed by the civilians, alas the last townsman fell just before achieving the revolution.
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