ixmesh_carry flag doesn't work for some items?

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Grandmaster Knight
this is really weird....  I've successfully used ixmesh_carry before, for example a lightsaber being off.

["lightsaber_blue", "Lightsaber", [("lightsaber_blue",0),("lightsaber_blueoff",ixmesh_carry)], itp_type_two_handed_wpn|itp_merchandise| itp_primary|itp_bonus_against_shield|itp_wooden_parry|itp_wooden_attack, itc_lightsaber|itcf_carry_dagger_front_left,
900 , weight(0.5)|abundance(80)|difficulty(14)|spd_rtng(120) | weapon_length(115)|swing_damage(75 , pierce) | thrust_damage(75 ,  pierce),imodbits_lightsaber ],

However, when I try it on something like this blaster (itp_type_crossbow) it doesn't work and just uses the regular mesh.....  I tried starting a new game, I verified I am actually looking at this item in game, I switch the carried model to something really obvious, I just don't understand why this doesn't work.  any ideas?

["e11", "E-11", [("e11_new",0),("e11_new_carried", ixmesh_carry)], itp_type_crossbow|itp_two_handed |itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_bonus_against_shield,itcf_shoot_musket|itcf_carry_revolver_right|itcf_reload_mask,
310 , weight(2)|abundance(100)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(110) | shoot_speed(160) | thrust_damage(36 ,pierce)|max_ammo(16)|accuracy(94),imodbits_gun,
[(ti_on_weapon_attack, [(play_sound,"snd_bigblaster15"),(position_move_x, pos1,12),(position_move_y, pos1,15)])]],
Perhaps that carry flag doesn't actually work? Does any other item use it? Try using itcf_carry_dagger_front_right or itcf_carry_quiver_front_right.
well, I did some further testing and it seems any item with itp_type_crossbow can't use the ixmesh_carry flag.  I tried various combination's of different flags, and having an item be itp_type_crossbow would always break it, but it seemed to work fine with everything else.  This is very annoying since I just switched all the rifles to crossbows in my mod so they could use a different ammo type and be carried with two hands....  argh
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