I've made a movie

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I've made a movie and its 11 mb large, is there anyone here that could host it for free? i would really appreciate it.
ahahah i knew it i love the music too... if you like the music try the game its called knights of the temple... visit their homepage google it youll find it you cant miss it. thanks for all compliments besides that music is great for playing m&b, because m&b's music no offence or anything just doesnt get you in the mood.

you can download their music on their website
btw anyone else noticed the headshot i made in the middle of the movie... it was just there for a short second pause it and see the dmg and shot difficulty it was a marvelous shot..

ps sorry for pressing post reply

also note that i made this movie alone even tough i mentioned the whole RI gang, it was just me, and well its my second movie i think so bare with me
mulaeeH said:
ahahah i knew it i love the music too... if you like the music try the game its called knights of the temple... visit their homepage google it youll find it you cant miss it. thanks for all compliments besides that music is great for playing m&b, because m&b's music no offence or anything just doesnt get you in the mood.

you can download their music on their website

It was really, really good, thanks :smile:
nightrunn3r said:
i didn't really like the M&B music either... so I subsituted songs from the LOTR music in.

Lol, I've got music from both Conan movies and also music from gladiator and the 13th warrior. I love it. : )
sometime i also use the music from gladiator... but it would be more suitable for an all around game because the music most of the time is not suitable for action..
i dont like music at all, in such games! i stick to plain riding and fighting sounds! thats the best for me :wink:

That movie is fantastic! We had an incredible time watching it with ipek. Watched it several times to appreciate all the little details you placed. Great camera angles and cuts. You do have a talent for this. :grin:

Anyway, thanks a lot for coming up with that. :wink:
Its a great honor to hear that from you, especially for it being my second time making a movie.

thank you
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