I've been asked to do an AMA on reddit's /r/mountandblade/ in early November

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Just giving you all a heads up in case you want to participate. I still have to submit a bio and a team list -- I'm officially a solo developer, but let's get serious, I had a lot of help from the community and I still get a lot of help right now. I'll try to mention as many of you as I can for the mod description. It'll take place during the first weekend of November
An AMA is where a person who does something interesting (in reddit's opinion) puts up a thread where they provide proof of their identity, and then answer questions in the comments for an hour or two or five.  FOr example, a member of the team doing the new Star Wars Battlefront did an AMA recently where their matchmaking system came up, and the answer that the servers would be putting you in games made a lot of fans rather hesitant to support the game, because playing with your friends is important.
PPQ_Purple said:
Proof of identity as in real life personal data like your real name and such?  :shock:

Only in /iama/ and not in any other subreddits like /mountandblade/

tbh, reddit is a bull****. people downvote just because "it doesn't contribute to the discussion" and think reddit is a social website so they can say any pointless **** we don't want to hear.
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