it's so frustrating sometimes

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that black khergit horseman are so hard to get in your army. I finally mannaged to get 3 of em but now I'm too afraid of losing them in battle to actually fight someone


I so badly want my own Black Khergit clan :cry:
Keep going for prisoner trains. :smile:

I had the same problem when raising my sword sister troop... Not that they're so hard to get, but I avoided quite some fights to keep their number above 20. But later, even with my 4 surgery points, they one by one died, and now I only have 13 of them. :sad:
id suggest getting a high number of peasants (neutral, vaegir, or swadian), and then tell them to wait at spawn point while u solo black knights. When you win, they get loads of exp. from it. Otherwise...

enable cheats, click the peasants, and then ctrl+X till they can be leveled up. I do this if I wanna test out new equipment I put on my top-upgrade ppl.

I have the temlpar & tree armors...

Vaegir knights/marksmen/guards all have tree armor and hunters

Swadian knights/sharpshooters/seargents all have templar armor and coursers

This way I can tell who is who. Also, both of the armors block the same amount of damage, but can't be bought in store. I have 2 different versions which can be bought in stores. I just duped them and made them equal so that no side would be better than the other. I also changed the Vaegir hunter stats to match the courser.

They are evenly matched :razz: they also look tons cooler. I'll take a screenshot later and post it :smile:
I have built a professional leadership guy who specializes in building and maintaining a large army. I have a high level of training and so does marnid and borcha, and i can get a bunch of peasants to knights just like that. When everyone's a peasant and can earn exp, a total of 8000 exp is shared around the party per day.
Yes, training skills once they're fairly high can rapidly train recruits and really open up the game for experimenting with different troop types.

As for losing rare or hard to recruit troops, surgery skills generally at their highest level drastically reduce permanent casualties.

That's what I use Borcha & Marnid for at times: as Drill Instructor and Doctor.

That's a standard technique others recommended to me.

As for getting Khergit replacements, they're tough to find 'cause you have to investigate the prisoner trains. Too bad you can't "recruit" by buying these prisoners from the prisoner caravans.
I got these black khergits by noticing a battle between a vaegir caravan and some black khergits. I pressed space till some of the khergits where KO and joined in the fight to help the caravan. (during that battle I also killed some vaegir horsemen) then after the battle I attacked the caravan I just helped to rescue the Khergits
Temujin said:
I got these black khergits by noticing a battle between a vaegir caravan and some black khergits. I pressed space till some of the khergits where KO and joined in the fight to help the caravan. (during that battle I also killed some vaegir horsemen) then after the battle I attacked the caravan I just helped to rescue the Khergits
You double-crossed them? You b@st@4d! :smile: I've done that myself and I always feel bad - but not so bad as to stop doing it.
The last 2 days (and i don't mean in game days) I did nothing, but watch black khergits fight vaegir caravas, I couldn't interfere because I attacked a caravan once, so my only option was to wait out each long battle, till one of the 2 sides won and I would attack the Vaegir caravan for the much needed black khergit prisoners they might have.

then I got frustrated, the more I waited the more frustrated I got.

I witnessed a battle between 16 Vaegir horsemen vs 15 black khergit horsemen, at one point the Vaegir's where at 14/16 and the Khergits at 5/12. this means 7 unconcious Khergits and 15 healthy vaegirs guarding a caravan I would soon attack to free the the Khergits.

so I pressed space, and what happened? that's right miraculasly the Khergits healed and it ended in a 3 vs 3 fight untill it ended and they both ran. the khergits from some foragers and the caravan the hell away from me.

how is this friggin possible? why don't the battles never end in victory or defeat when you watch it. why is it impossible for the Vaegirs to actually finnish of the Khergits andtake them prisoner so I can go free them?

I'm getting fed up with this,

so is there annyone that can tell me how I add the "do you want us to follow you?" line to the black khergit horsemen? (I use mag7) because it's kind of ruining my game fun. you can't expect a steppe raider to go to battle with an army of hired blades or swadian knights or vaegir knights at his side. As a steppe raider I want to crush all of those and make them run away in terror from my unstoppable horde of Black khergit horsemen
its real fun to chase after those bumhugs with swad peasants, hehehe,

"Steppe Bandit knocked unconsious by Swadian Peasant"

those peasant totally kicsk ass with thier rocks, knocked 3 of em off before i could get to them

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