item prices/economy changes...

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Obviously everything costs less and sells for less now. From quest rewards, to item prices, to "buying" borcha, everything costs WAY less now. Because of this, it's hard to tell if anything has actually changed. Is it actually harder to make money now and buy good items? Or is it just the same with smaller numbers?
Seems about the same, with smaller numbers. I'm going to re-do my spreadsheat for trading tables/profit percentages, and I'll let you know.

I think this may have been in response to discussions on the historical value of the denar (1=full day's wages). I'm very happy with this development. :smile:
Seems like the Central Bank of Caladria just engineered a currency revaluation by lopping off a zero.

Although apparently the Local of the Amalgamated Knights & Squires' Union fought hard to keep their wages from deflating. :smile:

P.S. - Don't know if I like referring to denars as "gold". Should be silver. :wink:
It's going to take me some getting used to. However, I've always found superfluous 0s fairly annoying. A big bone between myself and some friends who liked DBZ.
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