Item help

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yes, but the textures may not be lined up right.  Would suggest also re-creating the UVmaping with a tool like LithUnwrap. 
SuperMET said:
Is there a way to create new items from old ones by retexturing in brfedit?

Assigning another texture to the same model: yes!

1. Open up your BRF file.
2. Clone your item.
3. Assign a new material to it.
4. Define the material.
5. Assign the new texture to it. (this texture should have a proper image to show ingame on the exact same place as where your model is mapped)*

*very difficult to do, unless you're using banners or tableau materials. Suggest remapping and making a dedicated texture.

Doing the mapping stuff in BRFedit: no!

*while you were posting a new reply has been posted*

see the bold bit of text.
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