Summary:It is not possible to earn valor in battle, no matter the odds
How to Reproduce:The easiest way is to enable cheats and win an unwinnable battle, the bigger the battle is, the better the valor reward should be. Knock down enemies with a cheat at the start of the battle. You will get no valor. The debugging process is easier if you enable a mod that will log your trait changes (, but you can also hover the trait before/after the battle (you need to have the trait though)
Have you used cheats and if so which:
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU Driver Version:
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):
I'm author of the mod that fixes this bug. It is MIT licensed so PLEASE take any inspiration from it if you like. (the description on the mod gives more details about this bug)
How to Reproduce:The easiest way is to enable cheats and win an unwinnable battle, the bigger the battle is, the better the valor reward should be. Knock down enemies with a cheat at the start of the battle. You will get no valor. The debugging process is easier if you enable a mod that will log your trait changes (, but you can also hover the trait before/after the battle (you need to have the trait though)
Have you used cheats and if so which:
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU Driver Version:
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):
I'm author of the mod that fixes this bug. It is MIT licensed so PLEASE take any inspiration from it if you like. (the description on the mod gives more details about this bug)
GitHub - ivokosir/Bannerlord.FixValor: Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord mod that fixes wrong implementation of valor xp
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord mod that fixes wrong implementation of valor xp - ivokosir/Bannerlord.FixValor