Issues with gameplay...

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I like the mobility in combat. It's much different than the typical RPG fare where you stand in one spot trading blows. My only problem is that against multiple foes, your only real option to win, seems to be to back up continuously and make them chase you around. Always smacking the one closest to you, which knocks them back a little, until they all fall down eventually. I've taken on ten river bandits in this fashion and not taken but a few hits.

Once I get a polearm with some good reach, they'll never touch me. My only experience with this is the low levels so far. So maybe once I get some decent armor and a good two-hand sword, melee combat becomes much more deadly with less backpeddling.

The knockback effect of attacks just seems to be too strong. Even when I was dealing 0 damage, it kept the lead guy from catching up to me and blocked his friends from chasing me down as well.

Does the knockback take into account how much damage was dealt and what type of weapon was used?
armagan said:
Hi Sotae,

Very good analysis. I am reducing the frequency of knockback effect. That will no doubt improve the balance. Thanks a lot!
I wouldn't reduce it, but try and make it a sliding scale based on weapon/damage type and amount of damage done, if it's possible. Maybe add in a little randomness to it as well, a final modifier that is +/- a small amount. That way every hit isn't the same, but sometimes, luck just favors you and that meager jab you got in with a dagger was just enough to offbalance your opponent.

Maybe something as simple as KnockbackDistance (in centimeters) == DamageDone +/- RandomAmount, but not less than zero.
well surely the 'speed' factor is the only major factor in knockback - If you're retreating back with a polearm it's very difficult to 'knock' anyone back - if you're charging at them on a horse you'd expect them to fly!

Could you not base it upon the speed the character is moving towards the opposition? Ie walking backwards should reduce the 'impact' of any polearm, running at them should increase it?

just a thought!
Yeah, you could add as many variables as you want. Include an variable based upon speed difference and whether it's a head-on speed difference or same direction difference.
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