My guess is its too expensive to implement relative to how much money they'd make on it. I don't think they should re fix diplomacy etc, at least not now. They should focus on things that are small tweaks that greatly improve on what they've done without having to build something entirely new. There are too many of these small things and questionable decisions already in what they have, that can far more easily be resolved for greater positive impact on the whole experience.Unfortunately that's the opposite of what Taleworlds wants. Idk why but even after repeated requests from the community for more player agency Taleworlds doesn't want to budge. I've never understood their view point on this because players want to feel like they're winning or losing because of decision they've made not by watching the game play itself. My biggest issue is the game is so ****ing boring after the first few hours. It's the equivalent of watching paint dry. I play games to have fun and be challenged not to play a glorified version of wack a mole.
Making a competent AI is probably very very difficult and it would have to be reworked to account for diplomacy. A basic alliance structure etc could be done but if you bother, you probably want to do it well. I absolutely don't care for a diplomacy system when the council AI literally cannot make an appropriate decision for itself and your country. They're basically all random and you literally have to stockpile influence to override 99% of the decisions they make if you are king.The last thing i want is to have the current AI making decisions about alliances, or breaking them. The AI decision making right now is just so utterly bad its as bare bones as u can get for a system. Adding diplomacy to it won't change that.
The AI currently is just designed to spin out the game by doing absolutely everything they can to avoid having a coherent direction towards, well anything. You literally are best off leaving the decisions they make till the last hour, because they will spam you with all these other ones upon refusal. If taleworlds did a diplomacy thing, it would literally have to overhaul this entire, barebones, garbage system.
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