Is this a glitch?

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I recently helped the heir of the swadian reclaim her throne, Afterwards i was left with a few towns and castles. The castles and towns were said to be apart of the Kingdom of swadia. That was fine becuase they were still owned by me, so i went on to capture a town from the vaegirs and afterwards it said that becuase i was apart of no kingdom that i could start my own. SO now i have the towns still undercontrol by the swadians that are mine and then my own kingdom any help?
I've heard of someone in the same curious situation as yours...
I think there's a thread somewhere...

The lesson is: DO NOT TRY THE CLAIMANT QUEST. In Native or elsewhere, it's like asking for trouble.
Yeah,after completing the rebel quest, u'll become neutral. So it's comprehensible that they ask u to run your own kingdom. As for my case, I joined the Nordic Kingdom and immediately, Suno and Dhrim, the 2 castles that I took when rebelling became Nordic properties.
wow I was THIS CLOSE || to doing a claimant quest ^_^ good thing I didn't.. woulda lost my precious tihr
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