Is there somewhere to...

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store troops, like Vaegiir Footman, or do I have to wonder around and find somewhere to hire them each time after I want to just hunt by myself a while?
Sorry, but you can't store troops. If you really wna to junt by yourself, just send the troops into battle and let them ALL et killed or wounded, then It's just you and Borcha/Marnid (if you have them). It would be cool if later in the game you got your own town and could have like, 50 guards there to protect it or someting.
Ok... one more question... is there any way to attack enemy towns, or do you just attack caravans, prisoner trains, and the like?
Ok, thanks.

Bah, have another question now.

What are the highlights to using mods like The Magnificent Seven?
More troops? More missions? Better?

Sorry if these questions are answered somewhere else, I couldn't find them... I may not have looked hard enough...
Mag7 has you in a band of just heroes. It also lets you join the bandits, but this is very difficult. For more info, i sugest you check the mod discussion forum, these mod have their own threads.
About storing troops: the guy who first answered you is wrong. There is a way of storing troops, but it's not very effective.
What you do is tell marnid or borcha (or both) to disband and wait here. When you walk up to them and talk to them again, one of your options is 'i'll leave some soldiers with you' or something similar. When they have a bunch of soldiers, they act like a seperate party and run away from danger and stuff. Problem is, you can't give them enough soldiers to adequately protect themselves and scare smaller parties away. If you leave them in the middle of a hotly contested area, their troops will disappear fast. If you leave them somewhere else, like at a corner of the map, they won't.
But I thought there was a way to get around that: by sending them to the Four Corners Inn or whatsitsname, and then giving them troups (or the other way round)
Most is already said but I'll add some variations to the normal abroaches.

First, when you engage an enemy of your choice (read: you are faster and decided to engage with the enemy group) you usually get the option to LEAVE. Now you can command Borcha and Marnid to part with you and give them your troops (you might have to move a tiny bit to get access to them). Once you 'got rid' of your troops you can now attack the enemy on your own and after the battle pick your guys up again. If you make only small movements then the other groups (friends and enemy) will not move at all.

Second, I sometimes leave one of the NPCs with my higher ranking troops (Vaergir Knights, Guards, ...) on the edge of the map near Wercheg (Sp?), visit a friendly town to fill up my complement and then go on the hunt for bandit groups to train my peasents, footmen, veterans, ... In these battles I try to stay back a little bit and let the grunts do the work and get experience.
How do you get an enemy's horse... I know if I don't have a horse at all I can get theirs, but I like having the speed on the map, so is there a way to make the enemy horses not disappear, and still have my horse for speed on the map?
Only from standard loot. Getting an enemy horse during battle doesn't mean you'll keep it. Remember that all the loot is divided between your whole army and the rest that is avaliable for you to pick is your share of the loot.
You sure? The only time I've gotten an enemy horse is when I mount it during battle... I've never gotten a horse otherwise.
uh so far, with or without an army, each ennemy i killed without killing the horse was part of my loot?! I often get 2-3 horses per battle!!
Hrmm... my problem is if I have my own horse, when i kill an enemy, regardless of whether the horse dies or not, it just disappears, and it's not in loot, unless I dismount my horse, and then kill the guy.

I just now killed 2 Forest Bandits on horseback, the bandits' horses were still alive, but I was on horseback also. The horses disappeared standing up, and the only loot I got, from 11 forest bandits, was some bent arrows... no horses.
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