Is there really an afterlife?

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as i'm sitting here, working on my maille hauberk, i started to think about battle, im not talkin about the wonderland of M&b, im talkin real bloody, brutal battle. I know, i dunno how, but i know, what it feels like when you gut someone. i know what it feels like to brain someone. I know the shock of your first kill, you have just taken the life of anothjer breathing living creature, and you snuff his life out in a matgter of seconds. but i do not know the unimaginable pain of having a blade sticking out of your back, or an arrow in between the shoulder blades. I dont know how, but i know the heft of a sowrd, i know where the balance point is. I sometimes feel a cold calm come over me when im in trouble. i know what it is like, to be a mad man, slaying everythign for the sick joy of it. It sickens me, it sickens me so bad i feel the need to hurl.

Ive heard many people talk about the afterlife, telling me what they would like to be when they die and are reincarnated. But they never give a thougyht that this might be one of our reincarnations. For some reason i seemed to have left my body completely, and it was not me that was thing, not me now, but i knew it was me. For some reason when i think of that cold calm i fear nothing, but when i return to the present i feel my cowardice, i feel my fear, i see it and i loathe it, even though it has kept me out of trouble so many times, i feel less than a teenager, i dont even know why im typing this, operhaps because i know i will never be able to put it in words again.
Well I've been stabbed (Car hijack) it was rather unpleasant, plus every time I take off my shirt I have to explain a 6 inch scar. It didn't really make me reconsider anything, just made me realize that i'm not immortal. I don't know if I believe in the after life, since I make it a point to not believe in things that I don't see. I suppose it comes from lack of faith, I don't believe in god, so I don't believe that anything happens to your soul after you die.

I really don't believe in a soul at all, it's all in your mind, or your brain on a more scientific level, chemicals in your brain cause you to react in certain ways, not your level of soul.

On a side note, it's rather common to feel like you do as a teenager. You're getting older and seeing the reality that your family tried to keep so hard from you. It IS depressing, but you get over it, little by little.
I on the other hand know God exists. I know this is the first time I live. And I know everyone will be raised from the dead and their deeds will be judged, both good and evil. The last two I know because I trust God to tell the truth.
:lol: don't worry, I can't force you anyway, it's everyone's own choice. If pavlov hadn't said "i dont believe in god", I wouldn't even have posted in this topic :razz:
tsuken said:
:lol: don't worry, I can't force you anyway, it's everyone's own choice. If pavlov hadn't said "i dont believe in god", I wouldn't even have posted in this topic :razz:

Ohh it's cool, despite having a different opinion myself, I still respect yours. I don't have any issues with religious people at all, in fact I very much support it... when done right ofcourse. If they practice what they preach, and don't try to get me in a church, we're good chums.

I've just had a rather ****ty life, despite being a good person, and doing good things. So that has greatly diminished my faith.
i dont believe in an afterlife or a god, mainly for rasons pavlov has said. Although (hopefully) only a short way through my life,its still seems that with what i have to go through a god cant be there. there really any proof?
I've had terrible things happen in my life aswell. So much that I didn't care about anything anymore. I just went looking for God since he would be the only one who could help me if he existed. And I found him with Jesus and he helped me out of my trouble.

That terrible things can happen in life doesn't rule out the existence of God. "If God existed, this or that wouldn't happen" is not true. But these are things for everyone to find out by him or herself. All prophets of God were killed and his own son (Jesus) was crusified, so bad things can happen to the best of people.
Laurence of Arabia said: there really any proof?

Well, philosophically there are. Here's a few that an italian pholosopher Thomas Aquinas came up with.

1 - FIRST MOVER: Some things are in motion, anything moved is moved by another, and there can't be an infinite series of movers. So there must be a first mover (a mover that isn't itself moved by another). This is God.

2 - FIRST CAUSE: Some things are caused, anything caused is caused by another, and there can't be an infinite series of causes. So there must be a first cause (a cause that isn't itself caused by another). This is God.

3 - NECESSARY BEING: Every contingent being at some time fails to exist. So if everything were contingent, then at some time there would have been nothing -- and so there would be nothing now -- which is clearly false. So not everything is contingent. So there is a necessary being. This is God.

4 - GREATEST BEING: Some things are greater than others. Whatever is great to any degree gets its greatness from that which is the greatest. So there is a greatest being, which is the source of all greatness. This is God.

5 - INTELLIGENT DESIGNER: Many things in the world that lack intelligence act for an end. Whatever acts for an end must be directed by an intelligent being. So the world must have an intelligent designer. This is God.
I don't believe in God, I'm more in line with the science stream......

I don't see how Thomas Aquinas can say God was first, what created God? Chicken first, or the egg?

1. God is a perfect being

2. God created us in his image

3. So Humans should be perfect.....but...Humans are far from perfect.

So did God make a mistake?

Also, how does Thomas account for the fact of evolution? Our ancestors didn't exactly look like Adam and Eve.

Funny though, cause I kinda believe in ghosts, although I haven't seen any proof they're wandering souls. They could be some echos of the past, I haven't seen any solid theory on what they are.
I'm not going to get in an argument over whether there is a thing such as 'God' or explaining why things like 'proof' and 'fact' are silly because it is futile. I also amn't going to discuss why everything is futile... soo, err. That's it for the nots :cool: .

I stress that we should live in the now and not in the then- we should not live our lives for a thing that we probably cannot know. Of course, we live in a sandbox, so one should definately do whatever one wishes.

Just have fun is really all I have to say about everything. Now on to the topic!

Depending on what you mean by afterlife, there is and is not one. So, em.. could you define afterlife, please? Oh, and if you need a vowel, they're right over there under the cupboard!
Hehe, I like to keep my mind open to things like an "afterlife", because nobody really knows what happens.

You could turn into a ghost of sorts, or go to a heaven/hell scenario.

You could even end up in some kind of another dimsension.

It also interesting that even ghosts die, they seem to have a life span of 400 years, although of the exception of the Roman soldier that walks around that castle somewhere in England.

For me its a resounding "Maybe" to an afterlife, I'll come back to haunt this board in about 80 years :smile:
If there is something i think that u will see when the time comes... (if that time comes... allways open to options...)
There are basically two things you can trust in so to speak.
God(s) and Science. Since one can't entirely disprove the other (it hasen't happened yet anyway) you have to make a choice. Well you could be a nihilist but even that is a choice. That choice is for everyone individually to make. Don't let others influence you. Learn what you can on your own and follow your own mind/heart.

So depending what you trust in the afterlife could be anything or nothing. I like to keep an open mind about it aswell. That doesen't exactly mean I believe an afterlife exists, it just means I like to keep an open mind about where we all go. :idea:
I personally travel up the path of science, mainly because seeing is believing. If I cant see it, I find it extremely hard to believe. For example, Aircraft Carriers. They are HUUUUGE mofos, but until I see one, they are as big as the image on my TV. Jupiter, been said that you can fit hundreds of Earths in it and still not fill it up, but until I see it (and I never will :razz:), it remains a dot in space.

Im not a religious person. I used to goto Catholic church until I was 6 years old, and then I never went anymore. My ex-gf had me going to a Christian church for about 6 months until I told her that I didnt appreciate it anymore. I dont believe that Adam an Eve were the first humans, created in Gods image. Otherwise, were all related :???: Perhaps, millions of years ago, we were perfect creatures. One celled organism. Cant get more perfect then that. I also dont believe that a world was created in 7 days, and Im aware that there is some debate now about if it was 7 days, or 7 days in "Gods terms" or something like that.

I could add 20 reasons why I dont believe in God. But I do have one point to make. If a gun was pointed in your face, or you were stuck on tracks with a train coming, I can guaran-damn-tee you, that you would be hoping God would help you and save your life :smile:


Kniggit - Im curious if that was like a poem or something, or if that is truely how you feel? Because either way man, that was really deep. I enjoyed the read.
So on ok i don't know if the God existed. I don't know which religion is true. I don't know if Jesus is really son of God! I don't know who am i. I'm going mad. I really want to cry because i don't know what to do. Maybe i should kill myself. I really don't know. Can't remember anything about God. I trust in all religions and also i do not trust any of them. I went to mosque, i went to church, i went to sinagog, i went anywhere that God may communicate me. But no signal. But i' still trusting in God. God must be existed maybe not. I'm confused too much which is the correct way. Or is there any correct way. Or is there any God. Or am i living. **** help me God please help me.
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