Is there any truth to the claim that Taleworlds are making a new game?

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A while back there was speculation about a new game being worked on. I can't fathom the idea of these clowns making a new game while Bannerlord is in such a state.

Edit: my game just crashed after I posted this.
If I recall correctly they had a posting looking for game devs experienced with the sci-fi genre
That's about it as far as I know, or care to look for
Yes there were some job offers and so on for a new game but this is nothing special. If they only started with pre prodution once they released the last Bannerlords Patch 90% of the team would only sit around doing nothing because Pre production requieres that you first finsh your ideas and basic concepts for a new game before you can bring all your devs over to the new project. I think this new devs they are searching are perhaps for some kind of early concepts and so on the wanna test until bannerlord is finished and when they have done this they can realy focus while they have no need to move significant amounts of staff away from bannerlord.
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