Is there a way to change the "Lord" title of your vassals?

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Sorry if this question was already brought up, but is there a way to change this, e.g. into "Emir"? I often play Khergits and Sarranids and I don't like to have my Vassals being called lord then. I'd love to know a way to change this, preferably without having to start a new savegame :wink:
Thanks for your help.
Yes there is.

Look in modules\native\strings.txt. Search for faction_title. The first result should be
str_faction_title_player Lord_{s0}

Change Lord to whatever you want, leaving everything else alone. There is a similar entry a few lines down for females.

It can be changed in the module system within Search for faction_title there as well.
what would be the title of my vassals if i name myself Khan? i dont want to name them "something" Noyan
sirinan said:
Yes there is.

Look in modules\native\strings.txt. Search for faction_title. The first result should be
str_faction_title_player Lord_{s0}

Change Lord to whatever you want, leaving everything else alone. There is a similar entry a few lines down for females.

It can be changed in the module system within Search for faction_title there as well.

This is exactly whatI wanted! Thanks!
EDIT: After having tried it with my existing savegame, I assume this only works with new saves?
EDIT2: I tried it with a new savegame and cheated myself into kingdom, they are still named Lord_blabla even though I changed it in the strings.tx.
How can I change it in the module file?
Mastermind said:
After having tried it with my existing savegame, I assume this only works with new saves?

Yeah, sorry. Lords changing their faction should get the new names, but they won't change otherwise.

Geroro said:
what would be the title of my vassals if i name myself Khan? i dont want to name them "something" Noyan

Lord names aren't based on king name. Your vassals would still be 'Lord suchandsuch'. Changing yourself to be referred to as 'khan' would involve a few changes though, as there seem to be a few references to being called king/queen.

It appears you made a post seconds after I edited mine  :lol: As I said, somehow doesn't even work with new saves, no idea why :neutral:
That's rather odd - are you using any mods, or is there more than one folder in the modules folder?
sirinan said:
Yes there is.

Look in modules\native\strings.txt. Search for faction_title. The first result should be
str_faction_title_player Lord_{s0}

Change Lord to whatever you want, leaving everything else alone. There is a similar entry a few lines down for females.

It can be changed in the module system within Search for faction_title there as well.
i didnt kno this! this'll be helpful.
sirinan said:
That's rather odd - are you using any mods, or is there more than one folder in the modules folder?

Yes, I'm using Diplomacy, but I was smart enough to actually change that module and not native :wink:

I find it strange too, can't get a clear explanation why...
what i meant is if i decide to play as Khan and name myself for example Geroro Khan,i dont want my vassals to be Lord if I am Khan.
So I am asking what title should vassals carry in that case?
Geroro said:
what i meant is if i decide to play as Khan and name myself for example Geroro Khan,i dont want my vassals to be Lord if I am Khan.
So I am asking what title should vassals carry in that case?

Maybe Lesser Khan? That was the correct (translated) term for lords united under the Khan of the Mongols.
Oh and by the way, I found out WHY it still was lord even though I changed it. The problem was that I made an npc a lord and therefore he always calls themselves lord. Lords joining my kingdom changed their names correctly. Stupid more reason not to make my companions lords :lol:

Anyways, thanks for your help :smile:
Geroro said:
but i cant make them "suchsuch" TITLE but only TITLE "suchsuch" right?

No, you can do that too.

  ("faction_title_male_player", "Lord {s0}"),
  ("faction_title_male_1", "Count {s0}"),
  ("faction_title_male_2", "Boyar {s0}"),
  ("faction_title_male_3", "{s0} Noyan"),
  ("faction_title_male_4", "Jarl {s0}"),
  ("faction_title_male_5", "Count {s0}"),
  ("faction_title_male_6", "Emir {s0}"),

Simply do as is done with Khergits (faction index 3) and switch the name string with the title, so it reads:
("faction_title_male_player", "{s0} Your Awesome Title"),

EDIT: Err. Just realized we were talking editing text files, not the .py source. Same deal applies, though:
str_faction_title_male_player {s0}_Your_Awesome_Title
str_faction_title_male_player Your_Awesome_Title_{s0}
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