Is there a 'to-do' list?

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Is there a public 'to-do' list that armagan is working on? The reason I ask is because in the Suggestions area ... in the thread 'Read This First: Suggestion Guide' ...
armagan said:
Please note that we already have dozens of planned features for Mount&Blade and doing those alone will take us many months of work. As such, we are not really looking for new features to add to the game. Therefore any new feature you suggest is either (a) already in our to-do list or (b) most probably will not make it into the game. However I read the forums regularly and think about all ideas, so there's always a chance that if I like a suggestion well enough I'll go for it.

I realize the chances of this list being public knowledge is slim or worse ... but the thought of seeing what is on it makes my mouth water! I understand all the reasons why he wouldn't/shouldn't make such a list public ... yet I was curious if (hope is a powerful thing) there might be one.

After reading that ... I searched and sifted ... in the vain attempt to find anything of that nature but came up with zip.


The chances of that are very slim... Some features might never be implicated because of some unforseen problem, and then people might complain about it....

But still, the more mature members would definately appreciate it. I would love to see what is planned for the future...

Seiges? *hopeful*
As Zuwxiv said certain things won't be implimented, so if Arm posts and sais they might be, there will always be a hoard of people screaming and yelling when it's not in. Plus, in reality, it's his game... so he really dosen't have to listen to our ideas. The fact that he does, and actually uses some of them, is in my opinion the reason the game will shoot so high up.

When I think about it, this is probably the most democratic game so to speak, that I have ever known.

It's Armies baby, and hes letting us help raise it :wink:
I am assuming that most of the features require a new game to work properly. Please let us know if our old games are good with the new version
It's great to have so many interesting suggestions and ideas from the community, but I don't want to create the impression that all suggestions have a high chance of being realized, thus I added that comment.

I can't really post a Todo list because of the reasons Zuwxiv suggested and also because I like to surprise people. :wink:
:lol: Darn :lol:

As I said above ... ""I understand all the reasons why he wouldn't/shouldn't make such a list public"" ... yet I still had to hope. :razz:

Keep up the GREAT work,

armagan said:
I can't really post a Todo list because of the reasons Zuwxiv suggested and also because I like to surprise people. :wink:

Well, I like surprises. Bring them on! :grin:
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